
  • Pray, Praise, and Give Thanks: A Letter From the Editor

    Dear brothers in the ministry, Experts in adult education tell us that adults tend to be very pragmatic. They want to be able to see, for themselves, the value in what they are learning. Now, we know that all of God’s Word has value for everyone always. But we also know that our flesh is…

  • One Good Idea for Teaching Adults

    Ron and Nancy faithfully attend worship and serve at their church. As for attending the Sunday morning Bible study, well, they’ve tried it, but they just won’t come back. You see, they really don’t like it when their pastor has breakout groups. They don’t like to be “forced” to dialog with others at their table.…

  • March Madness

    March Madness

    March Madness is a season filled with excitement and hope for college basketball players and fans alike. Teams give it their all to earn their next win in the NCAA Division 1 Men’s Basketball Tournament. Written for Christian educators, the devotional That They May Have Life reminds you of another journey to victory that we remember during springtime:…

  • One Good Idea for Teaching Youth and Teens

    They are part of the group known as Generation Z (also known as Post-Millennials, the iGeneration, or Plurals). They live in a world of continuous updates, and their brains process information faster because of apps like Snapchat and ever-changing posts on Instagram. Their attention spans can be much shorter than those of the generations before…

  • What Does Lent Mean to Everyone?

    When the secular world hears the word “Lent,” what do you think they picture? Do they see a forehead marked with ashes? Do they think of 40 whole days of meatless meals? Do they imagine all of the bad habits that are abandoned during this season? In most cases, yes, the image of one or…

  • One Good Idea for Teaching Children

    “So what have you got for us today?” a little five-year old regularly asks me at our preschool chapel. She’s from a Hindu family, but she is so excited to learn about Jesus and can’t wait to tell you about him. So what do I have for her today? In any Bible lesson, there is…

  • Teaching the Confessions: A Letter From the Editor

    Dear fellow servant of the Word, You may get a variety of answers when you ask the adults in your Bible class, “What do you want to study next?” Some may be hoping for a class that would help them understand how to apply God’s Word to a particular faith question they have been pondering…

  • Quick to Listen: A Letter From the Editor

    Fellow cultivators of Christlike kindness and gentleness, Could I share a Facebook message from my friend Alyssa? I’ll share a few lines at a time in italics. I’ve finished about a quarter of Quick to Listen . . . Thank you for your work on this book! Quick to Listen is a book that was…