Where Are We Going With This?

They could be exercising at the gym, working in the yard, reading a book, or watching TV. But they aren’t. They are in a Bible study with you, and you are the teacher. So how are you going to teach them? How do you want to teach them?

Teach the WordWhat will it do?
Teach the Word is a monthly e-newsletter designed to assist anyone leading an adult Bible study by providing tips, resources, and encouragement.  It aims to help Bible study leaders teach the pure, powerful, and precious Word in the best ways adults learn and communicate today. We cannot add to the Word’s power. We cannot make it less powerful. But we can get in the way so that it won’t be heard. With a clear message, we want to teach the Word God has entrusted to us.

What will it have?
The content will be a mixture of foundational and advanced materials for teaching adult learners. Some articles may be a review for you; some may have new insights. All will be designed to help you grow in your adult Bible study teaching skills.

Where does it start?
Teach the Word will be an e-newsletter that rests on solid, scriptural truths, such as:

  • Our Triune God is at the heart of our salvation. Without him there is no Word to teach, no sins forgiven, no heaven won, and no faith created.
  • The Word has supernatural power to bring cold, dead hearts to spiritual life and bring eternal life.
  • The Holy Spirit works through Word and sacraments accomplishing work only he can do—creating faith and strengthening faith.
  • Those who teach the Word carry a treasure in clay jars; they proclaim a message given to them by the King; they scatter the seed.
  • The Word works not only supernaturally but also psychologically. It appeals to the intellect (knowledge); it affects emotions (feelings); it shapes the will (actions). This e-newsletter will primarily address the psychological aspect, trying to help us to be better teachers.
  • The Word is powerful and effective. We can’t make it more or less. However, by poorly communicating we can be obstacles; we can hinder or even prevent the Word from being received.
  • Teachers of the Word, instruments in the hands of the Holy Spirit, want to present that Word in a logical and winsome way, touching the head and heart.

For a more thorough study of these truths, read the excellent essay, “Treasure in Jars of Clay,” by Pastor Jonathan R. Hein.

God bless you as you strive to be a better teacher of the Word.




