Dear brothers in the ministry,
The teenage years are challenging years for many—spiritually challenging. How often don’t pastors wistfully scan the assembled worshipers with an ache in their hearts because of the absence of many recent confirmands. How many parents don’t cautiously encourage their high school students to include time in their busy schedules for worshiping, or longingly listen, hoping to hear evidence that their college students are taking part in the campus ministry, but watch with heavy hearts as once very church-active teens find less and less time for worship.
Sometimes teen hearts exemplify the rocky soil and the weedy, thorny soil Jesus spoke about in the parable of the sower. Faith blossoms and quickly grows in catechism class. But because the roots don’t have a chance to establish themselves or penetrate deeply into the soil, when troubles come or when the students are assaulted with the glare of misguided viewpoints and warped values that prevail on many campuses, their faith withers and dies. Or when their senses are bombarded by the myriad distractions that the modern world offers, their faith is choked and crowded out.
Of course, those challenges aren’t unique to teens. We all face them. And the answer for all of us is to stay connected to the Word and to center our lives on Christ.

Five-Minute Bible Studies: For Teens is a personal Bible study/devotional for teens whose calendars are overstuffed with events and obligations and whose minds are overwhelmed with questions and challenges. The author, Clark Schultz, has worked with teens for much of his ministry. He is very transparent about his own challenges as a teen, his sins, and his need for forgiveness.
In the words of Dr. Joel Nelson, Director of Youth and Adult Discipleship at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Muskego, WI, “[Schultz] shares a genuine and creative perspective on real life that invites teens to ponder the relevance of God’s Word and grasp how much God truly cares for them.”
The book includes three brief messages per week for a full year, so this Bible study book easily can be adapted to the busiest of schedules. The thought-provoking questions will lead teens into the Word and help them stay connected to Christ and continue to build their lives on the firm foundation of God’s saving message. We pray that you might be able to use this book in your ministry to help teens appreciate their connection with the Word of God and to encourage them to make the study of the Word a part of their regular routine.
In Christ’s Service,
Ray Schumacher
Curriculum Editor
Northwestern Publishing House