If you received our Weekly Bulletin postcard, you may have already seen the first 12 reasons to use Weekly Bulletins. For a grand total of 52 reasons—one for each week of the year—you will find 40 more reasons below that continue to demonstrate the imagery and impact, convenience and consistency, and savings and supplements you enjoy when you subscribe to the Weekly Bulletin Series through NPH.

The Imagery and Impact
1. The Weekly Bulletin cover images and messages accurately reflect the faith we share in Jesus Christ.
2. The visuals coincide with the Christian Worship lectionary.
3. The Weekly Bulletin covers are printed in full-color.
4. You will save time searching for the perfect cover image to use for each worship service.
The Convenience and Consistency
5. All content licensing fees are already accounted for in the price of your Weekly Bulletin Series Subscription.
6. When you subscribe, your bulletins will be shipped to you directly and automatically three times per year—in October, February, and June.
7. Your subscription will continue until NPH is notified. There is no need to renew each year.
The Savings and Supplements
8. Compared to off-the-shelf bulletins, a Weekly Bulletin Series subscription saves you up to 30 percent!
9. All new Weekly Bulletin Series subscribers will receive free shipping on their initial shipment of bulletins!
10. Weekly Bulletin Series subscribers can add to their subscription For Living Saints inserts, topical spiritual growth tools for your bulletins. Visit nph.net/fls to see the 18 topics available.
11. Weekly Bulletin Series subscribers have access to Lectionary Reading inserts at nph.net/wb.
12. With these savings and more, the Weekly Bulletin Series helps you be a good steward for your congregation.

More Imagery and Impact
13. The final bulletins are produced with a high-quality, professional printer for a truly vibrant and eye-catching image.
14. Even if the Weekly Bulletin cover image isn’t it an exact match to your worship theme, it will still connect to a powerful scriptural truth!
15. Because the cover images are already printed in full color, you can preserve your church’s own supply of valuable color ink.
16. You save paper, too!
17. The Weekly Bulletins are printed on a high-quality, durable stock.
18. So, you’re not only saving paper, but you’re actually saving your best paper!
19. The cover images utilize photorealistic styles.
20. All cover images bring an elevated visual aspect to your worship.
21. The covers share a consistent look and feel.
22. The Weekly Bulletins connect your look and feel to the look and feel of other churches using these bulletins across the world.
23. The stunning visuals aim to inspire your church members.
24. The stunning visuals aim to encourage your worship guests.
25. You won’t have to spend time designing.
26. You won’t have to spend time printing.
More Convenience and Consistency
27. No need to obtain permission to use the Weekly Bulletin Cover images.
28. No need to obtain permission to use the lectionary readings.
29. No risk of accidentally infringing on copyrights!
30. Absolutely no hidden additional costs to worry about for these bulletins.
31. Do you want to start a subscription now but also need bulletins for the current trimester of the church year? No problem. NPH Customer Service will work with you to fulfill your immediate needs!
32. Expecting that the next trimester of the church year will see a greater attendance? Before a specified date, you can increase the number of bulletins you receive in your shipment for that trimester.
33. Expecting a slight dip in attendance during the next trimester? Before a specified date, you can also decrease the number of bulletins you receive in your shipment for that trimester.
34. Were you a bit short on bulletins for Easter this year? Extra bulletins are available specifically for your next Easter Sunday worship service!
More Savings and Supplements
35. There are no set-up fees or contracts associated with your Weekly Bulletin Series subscription.
36. Subscribing to the Weekly Bulletin Series grants you easier access to many bulletin-related resources, helping you find the most beneficial combination of tools for your worship attendees.
37. Lectionary readings are available in the New International Version (NIV) 2011 translation.
38. Lectionary readings are also available in the Christian Standard Version (CSB), English Standard Version (ESV), and Evangelical Heritage Version (EHV) translations.
39. Lectionary readings are available through several online sources.
40. Lectionary readings can be printed on the backside of the bulletin for free.
41. Lectionary readings are optional altogether. If you don’t need them, you can omit them!
42. You can even provide the young ones of your congregation with Children’s Bulletins.
43. Bulletins are available to purchase in packages of 50.
44. Quantity discounts are available when you purchase 100 or more bulletins.
45. Weekly Bulletins come in an 8.5 x 11-inch size.
46. Weekly Bulletins also come in a larger 8.5 x 14-inch size.
47. Samples are available online for you to view before you decide to purchase.
48. When you order and subscribe to the Weekly Bulletin Series, you are supporting the future of NPH, your WELS publisher, while saving your congregation time and money.
49. The Weekly Bulletin Series is just the beginning! Check out the other related bulletin resources that NPH offers at nph.net/weekly-bulletins.
50. And NPH’s bulletin resources are just one type of worship tools and church supplies offered online at nph.net and over the phone at 800-662-6022.
51. The NPH Customer Service staff is ready to answer your questions about the Weekly Bulletin Series and other resources available from NPH. Simply email orders@nph.wels.net or call 800-662-6022.
52. Bulletins are easy to order! Simply click here or call NPH Customer Service at 800-662-6022.