A Year in God’s Word: The Power of Reading Together

Episode 6

Episode 6 | Featuring guests David Hicks and Dianne Weishahn

Happy New Year! The start of a new year is the perfect time to reflect on fresh starts, set resolutions, and embark on a journey of building lasting habits. In this episode, we spotlight how St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Plymouth, Nebraska, inspired each member of its congregation to read God’s Word everyday. Hear from two members, David Hicks and Dianne Weishahn, as they share their experiences reading 364 Days of Devotion, a daily devotional by Pastor Andrew Schroer, and how this church-wide reading plan deepened their spiritual lives.

Join us as we explore how this collective reading plan helped foster a supportive faith community and strengthened personal connections through Scripture. Plus, we’ll share practical tips to starting and maintaining a reading plan and discuss the vital role encouragement from fellow believers plays in your spiritual life.

Recommended Resources:

Faith Footnotes
Faith Footnotes
Northwestern Publishing House

Christian Conversations with NPH





4 responses to “A Year in God’s Word: The Power of Reading Together”

  1. Brenda Panko Avatar
    Brenda Panko

    Just wondering if anyone has any interest in sharing their progress with a WELS member from another state. I would LOVE to be a “Bible Devotion” friend. I live in a town that is almost 90 miles from my church. Sometimes depending on weather it can be over a two hour drive. I don’t have the devotion book for this year, but would be interested in doing something like this if the time ever arises. Thank you and may GOD bless all of you!🙏🏻

    1. Northwestern Publishing House Avatar
      Northwestern Publishing House

      Thanks Brenda for listening to the podcast! What a blessing it is to have a friend to offer support and encouragement. One place you might like is our online book club on Goodreads. It is free to join and self-paced to accommodate busy schedules. You can join our community of believers at goodreads.com/group/show/1224903-nph-book-club. We will be starting a new book this spring. May God bless your evening!

  2. Suno API Avatar

    The power of encouragement in Bible reading is huge! I’ve noticed that when I share my progress with a friend, it makes it so much easier to stay on track. It’s a great way to hold each other accountable and grow together in faith.

    1. Northwestern Publishing House Avatar
      Northwestern Publishing House

      Thank you for listening and sharing this. What a blessing it is to have friends who offer support and encouragement! May God bless your day.

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