We continue our special Father’s Day blog series with a look at how dads can start and maintain a family devotional habit. Stay tuned tomorrow as this blog series highlights another resource helpful to all fathers in carrying out their God-given call to “bring [children] up in the training and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4).

The hymnal is full of useful tools and variety for devotions in the home. At first glance, it can seem daunting! But here is a simple approach to get started. Choose one of the six devotional “scripts” found on pages 236-247. You don’t have to use them in full; instead, you might establish a daily family devotional habit by doing the following:
- Read the responsive words at the beginning of the devotion order as a family (the father/leader reads the non-bold words; the family responds with the bold words).
- Skip to the Reading: the father/leader can choose one as he deems appropriate for the family’s needs or current situation, or a guided selection can be found in the daily lectionary on pages 248-253.
- After the Reading, ask Luther’s four questions on page 235. Healthy and honest discussion—guided by the Scripture and the Holy Spirit—is the goal, rather than perfect answers.
- Pray the Lord’s Prayer together.
- Conclude with the Blessing (spoken by the father/leader over the family).
As the rhythm and routine of this approach sets in, you can include more parts of the devotion order, hymn and canticle singing, additional personal prayers, and/or psalms, to enrich the family’s time together around the Word.
Written by Jeremy Bakken, Director of Worship and Sacred Music

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