Building the Christian Home


Episode 7 | Featuring guest John D. Schuetze, LPC, DMin, MDiv, BC-TMH

In this episode, we explore what it truly means to build a Christ-centered home with our special guest, John D. Schuetze. As a professional counselor with over 30 years of experience in pastoral counseling, John brings a wealth of wisdom on faith, family, and relationships. He has served as a parish pastor, seminary professor, and counselor, specializing in marriage and family therapy.

Together, we discuss how to establish a strong spiritual foundation in the home, nurture Christ-centered relationships, and navigate challenges with grace and biblical wisdom. Whether you’re newly married, raising children, or seeking to strengthen your home life, this conversation will provide practical insights and encouragement to help you build a home that reflects the heart of Christ.

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Faith Footnotes
Faith Footnotes
Northwestern Publishing House

Christian Conversations with NPH


4 responses to “Building the Christian Home”

  1. Joe Staudinger Avatar
    Joe Staudinger

    A great blessing and lots of insight. Thank you.

    1. Northwestern Publishing House Avatar
      Northwestern Publishing House

      Thank you Joe for listening and the kind feedback. May God bless your day!

  2. Linda Avatar

    God Bless your efforts!!

    1. Northwestern Publishing House Avatar
      Northwestern Publishing House

      Thanks Linda for listening! May God bless your afternoon!

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