Category: A Day in the Life of a Pastor

  • A Day in the Life of a Pastor – Ryan Kolander

    What do bilingual pastors do when they are not in the pulpit? What all pastors do when they are not in the pulpit: teach and counsel, study and prepare, reach out and reach in. The main difference is that they do it in two languages! Being bilingual has afforded me opportunities to reach out to…

  • A Day in the Life of a Pastor – Aaron Bublitz

    Contrary to the oldest pastor joke in the book, you are probably aware that a pastor works a little more than one hour a week. He has many demands on his time and various responsibilities to tend to all week long that pull him in all sorts of directions. And because of that, it can…

  • A Day in the Life of a Pastor – Douglas Tomhave

    “It’s got to be nice to be a pastor since you only have to work few hours a week on Sunday…” so the old joke goes. There is truth in it. Pastors have their biggest hours during times of worship and gathering with God’s people. But the week goes by quickly in a big church…

  • A Day in the Life of a Youth Pastor – Clark Schultz

    When your favorite Latin teacher from high school asks you to write an article about a day in the life of a pastor, one jumps at the chance. But when he follows up with, “This article needs to be so many words,” one begins to ponder: If I only work one day a week, how…

  • A Day in the Life of a Pastor – Jonathan Scharf

    So, what does a pastor do when he’s not in the pulpit? That’s a great question because it changes so much depending on the pastor and the situation, the gifts he has and the call he’s been issued. I was called as an “outreach” pastor, so I make sure to reserve four slots of time…