Category: Christian Faith & Life
A Bold New Strategy
For sinner-saints like us, pulling off something as simple as walking in Jesus’ sandals is never an easy assignment. He is God; we are not. Hanging from a cross, he could pray, “Father, forgive them.” In the heat of our battles, we find that kind of prayer a challenge. A good test to determine if…
A Hard Lesson
This talk of weaponry and tactical support leads to our final discussion. We’ve saved this lesson for last because the concept is just so difficult to buy into. (Had we introduced it earlier, we might have lost some readers.) To make the point, consider one of the many war narratives in Scripture. This one describes…
Knowing the Real Enemy
After Jesus and his disciples had eaten their last Passover meal together, the Twelve (now down to the Eleven) retreated to the Mount of Olives. Jesus plunged into the night, pressing on toward a secluded garden named Gethsemane. Peter, James, and John quietly followed. While the three hunkered into a small hollow to rest, Jesus…
Letter From the Editor—Encouraging Results From the Remote Sunday School Program
Dear Brothers in Christ’s service, Attempts at nurturing the faith of the children in our congregations during these COVID-troubled times have uncovered a number of challenges. How do we continue to teach the children when our facility is too small for social distancing; or when people are uncomfortable sending their children even though we are…
The Sunset Principle
The Bible tells us there is an urgency to resolving disputes. Paul wrote, “In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold” (Ephesians 4:26,27). In other words, deal with it quickly. Today, if possible. In this way, a…
A City of Peace
It had been a busy day for Peter and John. The responsibility to prepare for the Passover celebration had fallen to them. Jesus had asked them personally. They had been honored by his request. This would be their little group’s last Pesach (Passover) together. Every detail had to be just right. Their tasks involved securing…
Riders Attached to Forgiveness
The perfect intervention strategy does not exist. We can expect failures, setbacks, and disappointments, even as Jesus did. Sometimes the intervention takes more time than we first anticipated. The fact that a few individuals are unable to see their way toward reconciliation should not surprise us. When someone has hurt us deeply, forgiveness does not…
Letter From the Editor – How Remote Sunday School Blesses Your Members
Dear fellow shepherds of God’s flock, Recognizing that many congregations were unable to offer face-to-face Sunday school this fall, NPH began providing video Sunday school lessons taught by gifted teachers that families could watch at home. The program has been very well received. Since beginning in the fall, each week’s lesson averages over 2,000 views.…