Category: Christian Faith & Life
Sharing Your Faith
Selfless love. Thankful to God. Humble service. Sharing your faith. These are all aspects of godly character. This blog series examines what Scripture tells us about four godly women—and shares encouragement for Christian mothers today. While the encouragement found in these blog posts is aimed specifically at mothers, there are applicable truths for all Christians…
Humble Service
Selfless love. Thankful to God. Humble service. Sharing your faith. These are all aspects of godly character. This blog series examines what Scripture tells us about four godly women—and shares encouragement for Christian mothers today. While the encouragement found in these blog posts is aimed specifically at mothers, there are applicable truths for all Christians…
Thankful to God
Selfless love. Thankful to God. Humble service. Sharing your faith. These are all aspects of godly character. This blog series examines what Scripture tells us about four godly women—and shares encouragement for Christian mothers today. While the encouragement found in these blog posts is aimed specifically at mothers, there are applicable truths for all Christians…
Selfless Love
Selfless love. Thankful to God. Humble service. Sharing your faith. These are all aspects of godly character. This blog series examines what Scripture tells us about four godly women—and shares encouragement for Christian mothers today. While the encouragement found in these blog posts is aimed specifically at mothers, there are applicable truths for all Christians…
Your Work Is Not in Vain
Dear Christian, this week is Teacher Appreciation Week. It’s a chance to show educators how thankful we are for them and all their work. More specifically, it’s a wonderful opportunity for us to show our appreciation and support to the educators in our congregations—whether they work in a private or public school system.
I Am the Vine, You Are the Branches
How do we know with utter certainty that we are branches of the vine—that we truly are connected to Christ? And how do we show that we are his disciples—his followers? Discover the comforting answers from God’s Word in this blog post.
We Have Everything We Need
What God says in his Word is true. It isn’t true subjectively—it’s true objectively. Whether our experiences in life appear to support it doesn’t change what God’s Word says—and that’s an important distinction for Christians to keep in mind. So much in life tempts us to think the exact opposite and say to ourselves, “How…
Remain Rooted in God’s Word
How do we encourage Christians to remain rooted in Christ and strengthened? How do we help them to be faithful? This blog post considers several practical ways.