Category: Everything Parenting

  • Memorizing Scripture

    Memorizing Scripture

    Memorizing Bible verses, hymns, and catechism truths has always been a key part of Christian training. After giving the Ten Commandments, God instructed his people to take these truths and “impress them on [their] children” (Deuteronomy 6:7). What better way to impress these truths than to have them committed to memory! Some children seem to…

  • Order in the Family

    Order in the Family

    “Everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way” (1 Corinthians 14:40). You agree, but you know this passage was not directed at families. It was directed to Christians to maintain orderliness in the worship ser­vice. Still, it can have an application to family life in the Christian home. Our God is a God…

  • The Homework Wrestling Match

    The Homework Wrestling Match

    Which of the following two scenarios best describes your home? (1) Just as the supper dishes are lifted from the table, books take their place and are arranged by little hands impatient to go to work. Minutes later the only sounds are the faint scratching of pencil lead and a child’s voice tinged with awe…

  • Attitudes About School

    Attitudes About School

    Some children seem to naturally love school and enjoy doing the work. Others see school as a chore and are easily frustrated with it. Most children probably fall somewhere between these two extremes. Favorable attitudes need careful nurturing. The Bible tells us, “Pleasant words promote instruction” (Proverbs 16:21). Here are nine worthwhile ideas to help…

  • Neuroscience


    So, parent of an infant or toddler, what are you doing to help your child make lots of neural connections these days? Maybe you need to learn more about what you can do to help your child develop those all-important neural connections that bring about learning. Neuroscience studies the brain and how it functions. It…

  • At Times of Loss

    At Times of Loss

    A death in the family can provide parents with a wonderful opportunity. What better time to teach your children the story of God’s love for all people? The gospel brings great comfort at such a time—comfort that every Christian sooner or later learns to appreciate at the death of a believer. There are all sorts…

  • Drugs and Alcohol

    Drugs and Alcohol

    They know it’s wrong. They have learned it’s harm­ful. Why, then, do children still choose to experiment with drugs and alcohol? Think of a hungry lion, stalking its prey—the weak and vulnerable—those who wander from the group. The beast selects a target and waits. That is how Satan operates (1 Peter 5:8). Our children are…

  • Potty Training

    Potty Training

    The questions begin when a child is about a year old: At what age should I begin potty training? Does a difficult experience cause emotional damage? What if my child refuses to be trained? These are common concerns. First-time parents find them particularly worrisome. God’s Word does not talk specifically about potty training, of course.…