Category: Everything Parenting

  • Do Your Children Know You Love Them?

    Do Your Children Know You Love Them?

    Christian parents show love for their children by providing for their spiritual needs. They teach their children about Jesus—his loving sacrifice on Calvary to win salvation for them. And they discipline their children, using God’s Word to guide and direct behavior. Giving time and attention to your children also shows your love for them. Parents…

  • Stuttering


    It is not at all unusual for children to stutter as they begin to develop their language skills. Stuttering is so common during the preschool years that speech therapy is seldom recommended. Most young children who stutter outgrow it by age 7. What is somewhat surprising is that even though stuttering is quite common, the…

  • Negative Attitudes

    Negative Attitudes

    What parent has not been on the receiving end of a child’s negative attitude? An attitude problem often shows itself in grumpiness, looks of disgust, and a general air of unhappiness. The apostle Paul knew about attitude problems when he instructed his friends in Philippi, “Do everything without complaining or arguing” (Philippians 2:14). What parents…

  • Trust and the Parent-Child Relationship

    Trust and the Parent-Child Relationship

    All relationships are based on trust. Children want and need to trust their parents. Parents want (and need) to trust their children. Trust makes honest communication possible; it builds relational bridges; it gives meaning to our respective roles; it provides security; it stimulates responsibility and caring. If a child never learns to trust, the results…

  • Compulsive Lying

    Compulsive Lying

    All children lie at one time or another. It’s so easily done. Often it’s not even noticed. Nevertheless, it is a sin. God demands honesty and truthfulness. Children lie because their sinful natures incline them to lie. While that is certainly true, it also raises the question of why some children are particularly prone to…

  • The Twos

    The Twos

    Bradley was finally in bed, sound asleep. He looked like a little angel. Quite a contrast to his waking hours when he is loud, curious, and volatile—a machine, constantly moving. Welcome to the world of the two-year-old—a time of significant learning, strong wills, and temper tantrums. A toddler’s developmental process gives special meaning to the…

  • The Fantasy World of Children

    The Fantasy World of Children

    How invigorating a child’s imagination can be! In the world of fantasy, a child is able to become an astronaut, a nurse, a basketball star, or a missionary to Africa. Pretending allows children to travel, to have superhuman strength, or to have an imaginary friend named Fred. Parents sometimes become concerned, however, about their child’s…

  • Sex and Gender Education

    Sex and Gender Education

    Gary and Marge have always said they’re going to talk to their children about sex. Neither of their parents had ever talked with them about sex, and now they recall how unprepared they felt about their own sexual development. Some of their learning was gained from dirty jokes and stories from friends. Much of their…