Category: Everything Parenting

  • Why Wouldn’t You Consider Music Lessons For Your Child?

    The research is in. And it’s compelling. Music lessons benefit children. And teens. And college students. And middle-aged folks. And senior citizens. Music making provides cognitive, physical, behavioral, emotional, and spiritual benefits. Are you considering music lessons for your child? Wrong question. Here’s the real question: Why wouldn’t you consider music lessons for your child?…

  • Building Character

    We have all met the perennial cheerleaders for the School of Hard Knocks—individuals for whom pain and suffering are the key ingredients to building character. You may be one of them. But intentionally allowing a child to suffer heartache and disappointment would be offensive. And ultimately, building character involves much more than that. So what…

  • Desperate Times Call for Desperation Dinners

    Mom, I’m hungry!” I hear that desperate exclamation constantly. It’s often the first thing I hear in the morning. It’s almost always the first thing I hear after picking
up my boys from school. And it is certainly something I hear after a long afternoon and evening of sports practices and school events. Do these kids…

  • How Can We Teach Our Little Ones?

    The church offers very few resources or programs for children still in diapers. Parents may also be skeptical about a child’s ability to learn at that age. Most toddlers struggle to be potty trained, so how can we expect them
to grasp spiritual truths? We might be tempted to think that we should wait until little…

  • Pray For Your Child

    Sometimes we think of prayer as a last resort when trouble comes and we have nowhere else to turn. Yes, it is important to call upon the Lord in prayer when we face days of trouble (Psalm 50:15). But prayer is a privilege we have at all times. Our children face challenges each day, and…

  • The Benefits of Tutoring

    “Your daughter does not know the letters of the alphabet or their sounds very well. She also struggles with numbers. She cannot read. We think she has a learning disability and should repeat kindergarten.” Hearing these words from my daughter’s teacher, I was left speechless from shock. It was the middle of March 2001, and…

  • Preparing Our Kids for Christmas

    The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson is a popular children’s book about children performing in a Christmas pageant. The “bad” children in the story turn out to be the stars of the show, but is that how things are in real life? Many children in our churches prepare for an annual “Children’s Christmas…

  • Just This Once?

    I recently read an article written by Harvard Business School professor Clayton M. Christensen. Entitled “The Bottom Line on Happiness,” it is based on a lecture he gives his students on their last day in his class. Christensen’s point is that the business principles students learn must also be applied to their personal lives. One…