Category: Faith Questions
High Ground, Slippery Slopes, and Bottomlands (Part 2)
Haven’t read Part One yet? Find it here. Emperors and Elephants Someone once observed, “It only takes one person to produce speech, but it requires the cooperation of all to produce silence.”36 History has its share of corporate silences. The Holocaust, for example, will not be remembered so much for the extraordinary numbers of people…
High Ground, Slippery Slopes, and Bottomlands (Part 1)
T. S. Eliot wrote, “Humankind cannot bear very much reality.” How true. When conflict threatens to destroy us, we do our best to find a solution. But we do not always deal with our conflicts in the same way or employ the same strategies for untangling our hate-filled messes. In his book The Peacemaker, author…
Teach With This Trait in Mind: Problem-Solving
This is the fourth article in a five-part series by Prof. Stephen Geiger, who teaches education and New Testament at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, the seminary of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. No one likes to have problems, but everyone likes to be able to solve them. Endless conversations seek to solve relationship problems. Other conversations…
“No One Believes in Sin Anymore”
If you have ever wondered why anyone would have wanted a nice man like Jesus dead, your answer can be heard, furious and shouting, in the gospel of Matthew, chapter 23. We call this scene the Seven Woes of Jesus. Savor the bitter words. Read the pathos and pain between the lines when Love got…
Priorities Chapter 3: Priorities For Our Families
Tethered to his room by an oxygen hose, Art could do little other than sit and think. The prospect of impending death drove his thoughts back to a time he had desperately tried to forget. Though 20 years had passed, Art could barely contain the sob that surged from deep within. His son had…
“The Christian Faith is Too Negative”
A secret disciple from the ranks of Jewish leadership, Nicodemus stepped out of the shadows to ask for the body of Christ. At great personal cost, he and another Pharisee, Joseph of Arimathea, climbed that dreadful hill and approached the lifeless Jesus. They worked in a rush as they wrapped his body. The sun was…
Priorities Chapter 2: For Husbands and Wives
Art Remus couldn’t sleep. He was dying of cancer, and the process seemed to consume every minute of his existence. The doctor hadn’t said much—he hadn’t needed to. The familiar twinkle was gone from his eyes; there were no more jokes. These things had betrayed the truth: The disease was out of control. Art wouldn’t…
Who Can Really Say What Death Means?
The town of Nain rested on the side of a hill. It was surrounded by a wall that had one gate. As Jesus led his crowd of followers up the path toward the city, a funeral procession was leaving town by the same narrow road. Picture two human parades silently slipping past each other. The…