Category: Faith Questions
Why Doesn’t He Answer My Prayers?
In the Garden of Gethsemane, from just a stone’s throw away, watch Jesus pray. You see Jesus fallen, his face in the dirt. You hear God crying out to God. You wonder, “What could it be that God, wrapped in flesh, wants so badly that he bleeds?” First, he wants there to be a way…
Priorities Chapter 1: The High Cost of Misplaced Priorities
When Benjamin Franklin was seven years old, a houseguest gave him some coins. Later, when he saw another boy playing with a whistle, Benjamin offered the boy all his coins for it. Young Ben played the whistle all over the house, enjoying it immensely, until he discovered he had given the boy four times as…
Jesus is Just One of Many Great Men
The day arrived for filming the crucifixion. The actor, Bruce Marchiano, daring to play the role of Jesus, staggered toward the vacant cross lying on the ground. But he stumbled in exhaustion and landed facedown in the stones a few feet shy of his mark. That wasn’t planned. No longer on script, he looked over…
“There are hypocrites in the church.”
Jesus calls his church a city on a hill that can’t be hidden. But we’re shown in Revelation that an earthquake will strike the city. One tenth of it will collapse. What this seems to mean is that merely being within the walls won’t help certain people on the day the ground shakes. Jesus told…
Standing Out From the Crowd
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego replied to the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if he…
“Aren’t people basically good?”
The Sanhedrin, the ruling council of the Jews, wanted Jesus murdered in the worst way. Jesus made the Jewish rulers look bad. Pontius Pilate declared Jesus an innocent man before satiating the rulers’ hunger for an execution—to keep them happy. So it was that first century Israel and first century Rome—crowning human achievements in ethics…
“I believe what I can see.”
God gave Simeon a promise: before his death, he would lay his eyes on the Messiah. One day, in some way, as those fading eyes scanned the faces in the temple courts like always, the fragrance of Christ met Simeon on a holy breeze. Simeon saw them. He shuffled over to two peasants and their…
“Christianity is so anti-woman”
A mother came to Jesus. Her daughter was engaged in the battle of her life, “suffering terribly” at the hands of a cowardly demon. She came in the sincerity of a mom who would do anything for her little girl. “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me!” What this mother seemed to find when…