Category: Faith Questions
Why Should I Believe the Bible?
Picture a seed drying on a sun-baked sidewalk. Jesus tells a story about a farmer casting seed all around, letting it land wherever—in rocks, in weeds, in soil. For now, notice the kernel that lands on a hard, hard path. Birds come along and snatch it away before anything good can happen at all. If…
Why is There So Much Pain in the World?
One of the “untouchables” of the ancient world is on his knees in front of Jesus. Then he’s face down in the dirt. The man has leprosy, a disease that not only disfigures the sufferer but perhaps even worse, it isolates him from his community and even his own family and friends.
Isn’t Religion Discredited by Science?
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? What makes that question so intriguing is the difficulty of imagining either a chicken that didn’t come from an egg or an egg that didn’t come from a chicken. So you come to this rather startling conclusion, once you think about it, that you have to look…
I’m Supposed to Believe in the Devil?
If there’s one man in the gospels I think I understand, he’s the one who tried to get into the boat with Jesus. This is that Bible story that makes the hairs on your arm stand up, at first anyway. The man shared his skin with demons. He lived his nightmare among the tombs. He…
I Don’t Care for Organized Religion
Judas chose to go it alone. He worked out his questions and did battle with his personal demons all by himself. He walked out of the upper room, made his escape down the back stairs, and the Twelve became the Eleven.
Where was God When I Needed Him?
“How long, O LORD? Will you forget me forever?” So wrote King David from his sickbed, tortured by painful think-ing, yet unable to set it aside. “How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart?”