Category: Parents Crosslink

  • Bullying


    Jaden couldn’t wait to start kindergarten. He was up and ready to go an hour before they had to leave for school. Two weeks into the school year, however, he reluctantly dragged himself out of bed, dawdled at breakfast, and complained that he had a tummy ache. Mom’s questioning revealed the true nature of the…

  • Discipline: Common Challenges for Christian Parents

    Discipline: Common Challenges for Christian Parents

    Most Christian parents easily recognize that discipline has an important role in parenting. Most of them are able to quote Bible passages in which God tells us discipline is one of our duties as parents. Unfortunately, many parents struggle with the decision of how and when to discipline. Providing developmentally appropriate discipline for our children…

  • Don’t Forget to Nourish Yourself

    Don’t Forget to Nourish Yourself

    I remember a bad thunderstorm we had last summer. Lightning flashed and crashed, and the wind blew mightily. We even spent a few minutes down in the basement. As I walked around the yard the next morning, I didn’t see much damage—only a few leaves and a couple of small twigs—EXCEPT for my prize tomato.…

  • Parenting With Law & Gospel

    Parenting With Law & Gospel

    What is the secret to Christian parenting? Some families seem to have well-adjusted children and calm parents. Other families seem to have children who are out of control and a parent or two pulling out their few remaining hairs. What is the difference?

  • Teaching Your Infant to Sign

    Teaching Your Infant to Sign

    All done. Those were my son’s long anticipated first words. He “spoke” them using sign language when he was just nine months old. Why teach sign, you ask? There are many benefits. A primary benefit is reduced frustration for both parent and child. When babies are first born, they communicate primarily through crying. While it…

  • How to Cope with Stress

    How to Cope with Stress

    Are you stressed out? If you answered yes, you’re not alone. A recent study by the American Institute of Stress found that 77% of people in the United States regularly experience physical symptoms caused by stress and 73% regularly experience psycho­logical symptoms caused by stress. Beyond that, 33% feel they are living with “extreme stress”…

  • Learning to Learn

    Learning to Learn

    Familiar dialogue? Most parents have been there. How can parents instill in their children a desire to take responsibility seriously? How can they help their children see the value in developing and maintaining positive study habits? Habits they will carry with them the rest of their lives.

  • An Awesome Privilege

    An Awesome Privilege

    Mike eased the car to a stop, jumped out, and hurriedly hugged his two children as they struggled to shoulder their backpacks. Then they were off, running up the ramp on the way to their classrooms. They would be just in time, but he would be late for work. As he merged back onto the…