Category: uncategorized

  • A Letter from the Editor Regarding Luther’s Protest

    Dear fellow servants of the Word, Wise King Solomon observed, “Of making many books there is no end” (Ecclesiastes 12:12). That certainly is true of books in general, and we can also safely say that it’s true of books about Martin Luther and the Reformation. In fact, it has been said that more books have…

  • A Letter Regarding the New Catechism

    Dear Brothers in Christ’s Ministry, Luther wrote his Small Catechism to help pastors teach God’s Word, especially to children. He could not have imagined the sheer numbers of students who would be armed with the Word of Truth through his little book. No other book of Christian instruction has endured for almost 500 years. Not…

  • A Letter from the Editor regarding 2000 Demons

    Dear fellow soul-tenders, Though devils all the world should fill, all eager to devour us . . . (CW 200:3) Will you be singing that hymn a few extra times in your congregation this year as you celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation? What will those first two lines of the third verse mean…

  • Being “Quick to Listen”: A Letter From the Editor

    “That was more meaningful than any baptism in a church that I’ve been to.” “There’s a feeling I get [there] I never got at church.” “It was those moments when she realized that she didn’t need religion to tap into that feeling.” I finished reading a helpful book yesterday, written by an atheist mother of…

  • A Letter from the Editor regarding A Christian Guide to Mental Illness, Volume 1

    Dear brothers in Christ, Once in a while I run across a book and I think, “I wish I could have had this book at the beginning of my ministry.” A Christian Guide to Mental Illness, Vol. 1: Recognizing Mental Illness in the Church and School is just such a book. The subject of ministering…

  • Priorities Chapter 4: Priorities for Our Souls

    The morphine that quieted Art’s pain did little to quiet his troubled thoughts. He tossed and turned, unable to escape the accusing glare of the pictures from his past. Unfortunately, Art never reached for the one medicine that could have given relief—the message of forgiveness in Jesus. He had become just another statistic, succumbing to…

  • Listen Before Teaching

    A pastor wrote, “Some of our members believe that receiving the Lord’s Supper when they are ill will make them die more quickly. Some will even excuse themselves from taking the Lord’s Supper when the pastor visits them.” That surprising comment came from a Malawian pastor. He was giving his input for an upcoming seminar…