All week you’ve been reading about tools and resources a father can use to ensure that he is carrying out the privilege of spiritual leadership in his family. Today’s post will enable you to create and maintain a deeper connection between your family and the God who saves you.

What father today doesn’t feel the overwhelming pressure of demands at work and at home? What Christian parent doesn’t struggle to carve out “Jesus time” with the family? What faithful father doesn’t wonder Where do I even begin?
We suggest you begin with 5-Minute Bible Studies: For Families, a great tool that will help you carry on regular and faith-building conversations about God and his impact on your lives—any time and anywhere.
- Little preparation?
- Ease of use?
- Flexibility?
- Brevity?
- Relevance?
- Consistency?
With 156 one-page devotions (three each week!), discussion tools, and prayer prompts, this popular book checks all the boxes to help you make family devotion time a priority, enabling you to read and discuss God’s Word together! This fantastic resource is designed for families with kids from kindergarten through eighth grade.
The NPH Team prays that you have enjoyed this week’s look at tools that will help you be the father God intends you to be. May he bless your time together in his Word!
Written by Mark Buske, Marketing Director

Learn more about 5-Minute Bible Studies: For Families by Jay Bickelhaupt. All rights reserved.