Colors continue to change, and the temperature keeps dropping. There’s a crispness in the air—perfect for staying indoors with a mug of hot cider and a page-turning paperback. If you’re looking for your next favorite read, here are a few more Northwestern Publishing House suggestions:

Our Worth to Him
“My prayer for you, dear reader, is simple. May the worship of God our Savior be for you what it has become for me as I prepared this book. May it never be the same.” —Pastor Mark Paustian, Our Worth to Him
So often, people think that going to church on Sunday—or whenever you worship—is something we do for God. When that happens, we miss out on what worship means—our loving and gracious Father in heaven coming to us in his Word and sacraments. Throughout the worship service, we hear him say, “This is how much you mean to me. This is how much I love you.”
Our Worth to Him is a collection of short devotions written in a poetic and profound way by Pastor Mark Paustian. The devotions explore the nature of Christian worship and what it means to gather in Jesus’ name. As you read, you’ll gain a fresh understanding of the church year, the sacraments, the worship space, and much more.
Esther: Providential Persian Queen
Amid a perilous time for her people, a young Jewish woman named Esther rose to the position of queen in the Persian Empire. In a book of the Bible in which God seemingly cannot be found, Esther asks herself, “Why now? Why me?”
Perhaps you’ve asked similar questions in uncertain situations. For Esther, she learned that she was right where God needed her to be to carry out his plans. God was with her, using all things—even troubling and uncertain times—for the good of his people.
Interweaving other parts of Scripture and discussion questions throughout this seven-lesson study, join Lou Ann Mokwa as she takes you through this powerful study—Esther: Providential Persian Queen. Learn to recognize God’s grace to Esther, see his grace in your own life as well, and put your trust in him in the midst of trouble. Why now? Why me? For such a time as this.
From Egypt to Sinai: A Devotional Commentary on Exodus
The book of Exodus is more than a historical account of Moses leading God’s people out of Egypt or the birth of the nation of Israel. It is the account of the Old Testament church being led into the kingdom of God through faith in the promised Messiah. It is an image of Christ’s eternal priesthood foreshadowed through intricate ceremonies, sacrifices, and worship customs. It is the story of believers trusting in the Lord alone and despairing of their own understanding, reason, and strength.
Written from a caring, pastoral perspective, From Egypt to Sinai is a devotional commentary that reveals what it means to pick up your cross and rely on God’s strength daily as he leads you to your eternal home. The book of Exodus remains relevant to all Christians, both as a historical account pointing to Jesus and as practical, biblical wisdom you can apply to navigate the wilderness of the world.
I Know That I Know
Have you ever wondered, “Do I truly believe in Jesus? What if my faith isn’t strong enough? I don’t feel like it is”? Even if you understand the gospel and what it means for you, sometimes what you know doesn’t always match how you feel about your daily spiritual life.
Find great scriptural reassurance from I Know That I Know! This helpful book defines faith according to God’s Word and explains how faith relates to other topics, including doubt, emotions, and good works. By the time you finish reading, your trust that God has given you saving faith in Christ will be fully refreshed.
The Baptismal Life
How often do you think about Baptism and what it means for Christians every day of their lives? For many Christians, their walk with Jesus began in the waters of Baptism. When the pastor poured water on their head in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, that was their beginning—their incredible, God-worked change from spiritual death to life and their welcome into God’s family.
In The Baptismal Life, Rev. Dr. Michael Berg reflects on the power of water in Scripture, the impact of Baptism, and how this precious sacrament connects believers to their Savior. As you wade through scriptural accounts of actual water and water motifs, you’ll discover anew the salvation that flows as swiftly today as it did two thousand years ago. The book ends with an easy-to-understand commentary on the Order of Baptism to help clarify this rite. Dive in and experience the power of water and the Word in a whole new way!
For even more great fall reads, check out Northwestern Publishing House’s Christ-centered, faith-building selections here!