A sign in someone’s front yard caught my eye as I was driving through town a few weeks ago.
The sign wasn’t brightly colored; it didn’t have large letters with a last name on it. No, it was a simple, cardboard sign. It had black letters that looked like they had been penned with a dying permanent marker—strong in some spots, faded in others.
Amidst all the different signs planted in front yards and plastered all over billboards, mailing inserts, and flyers, that homemade cardboard sign stood out to me. Not only because of its unpolished appearance, but also (and even more so) because of what it said:
God is in control.
How true, isn’t it? What a beautiful profession of faith from the person who made that sign.
As Election Day draws near and the already loud political noise and advertisements get even louder, many people across this country (and throughout the world) wonder how this presidential race will turn out.
Some people are anxious and afraid for what that outcome might be. Others are bracing themselves for what they think might send our country spiraling out of control.
Maybe you’re wrestling with some of those doubts, fears, and worries too. Dear Christian, in all of that noise and confusion, remember that simple cardboard sign. God is in control.
How will this election turn out? The comfort is that it will turn out exactly as God, in his infinite wisdom, has always known it will turn out—and he has already planned accordingly.
God, who knew when the set time was to send his Son into the world, is the same God who promises that he is using all things—even the outcome of temporary, political elections—for the eternal, spiritual good of his people everywhere.
Let’s narrow the focus.
God is using all things for your eternal, spiritual good, dear Christian, because he loves you and wants you home in heaven with him.
As the apostle Paul wrote so beautifully, “I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39).
Focus on that, dear Christian. No matter how this election turns out, know who’s always in control—of your life and all things.
For a truly comforting and incredible discussion on politics and how we as Christians can approach elections—whether it be in 2024 or 2084—listen to Faith Footnotes episode 3, “This Election Is Driving Me Crazy!”

Alex Brown is the marketing and content copywriter at Northwestern Publishing House. He has his Master of Divinity degree from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary and enjoys reading, writing, and spending time in God’s creation.
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