Introducing: Reading Through Advent With NPH

Advent begins on December 3.

There is so much going on this time of year. I don’t think I really need to give any examples—you know what you have going on right now. All the busyness—the hustle and bustle of the season—can be draining and downright exhausting.

Time spent in God’s Word can refresh us in a way that nothing else can.

During Advent we prepare our hearts for the coming Messiah. “Here is your God!” the prophet Isaiah cries to Old Testament believers, and throughout the pages of Scripture, we trace the Messiah’s passage.

The babe in Bethlehem, the kind and gentle Teacher, the dying man on the cross, the risen Lord on Easter morn, the King who will return in the name of the Lord—to whom every knee shall bow.

This December, we’re going to try something a little different with the NPH blog.

Three times a week, we’ll post excerpts from The People’s Bible series focusing on the Gospel, First, and Second Readings from the Christian Worship: Hymnal’s three-year lectionary (Year B).

The People’s Bible is a Bible commentary series from NPH for everyone. The authors of the series have served as pastors, college teachers, or seminary professors. Each author began with the original Hebrew or Greek text and then worked to bring the message of God’s Word to Christians who are looking to dive deeper into their study of the Bible. Two important truths guide all the commentaries: First, the Bible is God’s inspired Word and is therefore true and reliable. Second, the central message of the entire Bible is Jesus Christ.

These posts will vary in length, but all of them will offer opportunities to read and reflect on the comforting passages you may have heard in worship services and sermons the previous Sunday. Take a few minutes out of the busyness of the season to sit at the Savior’s feet and listen to the promises he makes to you in his Word.

The first post in this series introducing the season of Advent will be released on December 1. Subsequent posts will be released each week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

God bless you now and always as you prepare your hearts for him!

Alex Brown is the marketing and content copywriter at Northwestern Publishing House. He has his Master of Divinity degree from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary and enjoys reading, writing, and spending time in God’s creation.


