Letter From the Editor: Christian Worship: Easy Accompaniment Editions

Dear Worship Leader,

Northwestern Publishing House will soon be releasing Christian Worship: Easy Hymn Accompaniments—Chorale Edition and Christian Worship: Easy Hymn Accompaniments—Piano Edition. These spiral-bound volumes will be available for purchase separately or as a discounted set. Their purpose is twofold: to encourage the development of worship accompanists and to offer additional quick-read variety to more accomplished accompanists.

Each volume contains one setting for each tune in Christian Worship: Hymnal. To learn more, check out the free downloadable chorale edition sample or piano edition sample. Both samplers feature the Preface to each volume and examples of the accompaniments for each of four tunes from the upcoming Lent and Easter seasons:

  • Aberystwyth (393: Savior, When in Dust to You; also Christian Worship: Psalter 64A and 80A)
  • Der am Kreuz (404: Jesus, Grant That Balm and Healing; 405: On My Heart Imprint Your Image)
  • Wie schön leuchtet (461: He Is Arisen! Glorious Word)
  • Vruechten (449: This Joyful Eastertide)

Additional features include mirrored pagination between the two volumes (i.e., the chorale and piano version of a tune have the same page number(s) in each volume) and indexing of the titles from Christian Worship: Psalter that utilize tunes found in the hymnal.

We anticipate these volumes will be available this spring barring any unforeseen delays at the printer.

Important reminders:

  • Follow us at facebook.com/NPHMusic: The dedicated NPHMusic Facebook page is a great medium to get up-to-date music and worship information.
  • Visit Musician’s Resource (MR) at nph.net/musicians-resource: MR is the place for enhancing congregational singing . . . lead sheets, arrangements for liturgical ensemble, alternate choral stanzas, instrumental and vocal descants, alternate accompaniments, and more are available for a la carte purchase as PDF downloads.
  • Bookmark nph.net/cwshipping and nph.net/cwmusicerrata: Stay apprised on the availability and expected releases of Christian Worship resources and track known music errors across the Christian Worship suite on these respective pages.

God’s blessings as you lead his people in making a joyful noise to him!

Jeremy S. Bakken, DMA
Director of Worship and Sacred Music
Northwestern Publishing House



