“From the lips of little children and nursing babies you [LORD] have established strength . . .” (Psalm 8:2a EHV)
Just how is that possible? Little kids and babies aren’t usually considered strong. That may be true or obvious physically, but the words young ones sing about our Savior Jesus are full of strength! That’s because those faith-filled words declare the salvation God has accomplished through his Son Jesus. That salvation is power—for life and over death—to all who believe (Romans 1:16).

Call Forth Praise is a collection of 11 songs for children to sing of the powerful acts and promises of God. These engaging and easy-to-learn songs come in a printed copy master book (melody-line and lyrics only) to make copies for your reading-age students. The copy masters also include guitar chords for easy accompaniment.
Included with the purchase of the printed book are digital components: a printable PDF of a full keyboard accompaniment for each song, a demonstration recording for each song, and an accompaniment recording for each song. These digital components are delivered directly to your nph.net account when you purchase the physical copy master book.
Be sure to explore all the collections and individual songs available for children’s choir, Sunday school children, classroom choirs, and the like, published or carefully curated at nph.net. Some of these also work well for smaller adult choirs or adult choirs looking for quick-learn repertoire.
Paul tells parents to bring children up in the training and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). This includes enabling children to do what Paul encourages a chapter earlier: sing and make music to the Lord (Ephesians 5:19)! NPH stands ready to partner with you through Call Forth Praise and many similar children’s music resources.
Blessings in Jesus,
Jeremy S. Bakken, DMA
Director of Worship and Sacred Music