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Thoughts on Favorite Books and Resources

While these books are probably widely known in our circles. They are extremely valuable in my ministry. There are so many people who have fallen away from the church, and many times it is because they have unresolved questions. Just this summer I was watching a parade while talking to a non-member, and he had not been active in any church for quite some time. His biggest question: “Why does God allow evil in the world?” We discussed it at length, but it was wonderful to be able to give him a solid resource to help reinforce our discussion. – Aaron Duve (Holy Redeemer, Port Huron, MI) on Prepared to Answer and More Prepared to Answer
This devotional resource to accompany the Christian Worship: Hymnal edifies God’s people by helping us to see the beauty of the liturgy, church year, and whole life of the church. By God’s grace I can say, not surprisingly, we find Christ at the sum and substance, center and circumference of this whole work (even the title hints at the primary “direction” of worship—God serving us in Christ with all his gifts). My initial use of this volume was for evening devotions with my bride. As we worked through it, I couldn’t help but to recommend it to parishioners, one of whom suggested we work through it in a Bible study format. Our Worth to Him will be a regular rotation in my family’s devotional reading. – Anonymous on Our Worth to Him
A classic that clearly describes law and gospel—love this one. – Joel Pankow (Trinity, Bay City, MI) on The Foolishness of God: The Place of Reason in the Theology of Martin Luther

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