Selfless love. Thankful to God. Humble service. Sharing your faith. These are all aspects of godly character. This blog series examines what Scripture tells us about four godly women—and shares encouragement for Christian mothers today. While the encouragement found in these blog posts is aimed specifically at mothers, there are applicable truths for all Christians as well.
[This blog post is the fourth in a four-part series. You can read the first here.]
With only three short references in Scripture (only one of which actually mentions her by name), we know very little about Timothy the evangelist’s mother, Eunice. If you aren’t careful, you might not notice her presence in the pages of Scripture altogether.
But what we do know about her is enough, I think. The references speak of her godly character, faith, and desire to pass that faith along to her son, Timothy. What greater love can a mother show—what greater duty does a mother possess—than to share the saving, gospel message of what Jesus has done for her children?
At the end of the day, that’s what we want said of us as Christians—that we shared the gospel and told future generations the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord. Knowing Jesus is the one thing needed in this life.
We’ve examined admirable, godly characteristics that Christian women in Scripture and our own lives show us over the past several days. Demonstrating selfless love that’s rooted in Christ’s love. Being thankful to God for all the gifts he’s graciously given. Serving with humility and embracing vocation. And this, the theme for the final day of our series: A desire to share the faith that has been given.
Dear Christian mother, what’s the encouragement here?
Keep sharing the gospel message with your children, whatever their age—whether they’re young or old. (Writing as a son, it’s the greatest gift my mom has ever shared with me. She still does!) Keep living each day as the woman God calls you to be. Keep living each day as the mother God calls you to be.
Are there struggles and challenges? Undoubtedly so! But you’re not alone—your fellow Christians will support you, and Jesus walks with you every step of the way. Look to your Savior. He gives you the strength to live each day for him.
God bless you and keep you this Mother’s Day and always.
Looking for further encouragement, Mom? Cherished Gifts: Devotions for Moms by a Mom is a heartfelt, devotional, firsthand look at motherhood through the lens of Scripture. From the heart of one mom to others, this book will help you see everyday occurrences through the truths of the Bible and help you grow as a mother and in your faith.

Alex Brown is the marketing and content copywriter at Northwestern Publishing House. He has his Master of Divinity degree from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary and enjoys reading, writing, and spending time in God’s creation.