Effective parenting in today’s world is challenging to say the least. Each day this week, this special blog series will highlight a resource helpful to all dads in carrying out their God-given call to “bring [children] up in the training and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4).

I’ve never met a new parent yet who claimed to be getting enough sleep or to have everything figured out. Parenting—the way it changes our lives and the responsibility we have to provide safety, security, food, clothing, and shelter—can be just a single step short of overwhelming. And it doesn’t stop with the first child or when the youngest is ready for preschool.
We can get so lost in the details: How much screen time is appropriate? How do we get them to eat a healthy diet? Should they be getting another (or any) Covid booster? It’s easy for us to overlook the most important privilege and responsibility God has given:
Training our children in God’s Word.
The amount of screen time, diet, vaccinations, etc., all impact life for a bit. Training in God’s Word has eternal implications.
But how to carry out that responsibility can be overwhelming too. Where do we start? What do we do?
Martin Luther wrote the catechism to help parents be spiritual teachers for their children. The latest edition of Luther’s Catechism was written with that goal in mind and includes the following features:
- Each unit begins with an introductory paragraph that helps parents and children alike understand just what the unit is about, and why it will be beneficial to study.
- Transitional statements from one question to the next help the reader follow the line of thought.
- The Closer Look sections help explain more challenging concepts.
- Illustrations teach the biblical truth visually.
- The Connections section connects the Scripture truth, Bible history, and our lives so that we grow in our understanding of why these truths are important to us.
In short, the catechism is a great tool to help fathers as they seek to nurture their children so that they grow in faith.
Since the publication of the new catechism, many individuals and families have discovered its value as a devotional resource. Consider how it might be a blessing to your family.
Written by Ray Schumacher, Editor

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