Tag: devotion

  • Where Are You, God?

    Where Are You, God?

    Where are you, God? We often ask that question when we experience moments of terrible tragedy and heartbreaking loss. When such things happen, we understandably want to know where God is. God is not silent in his Word. Let’s be clear about that. When we cry out to him, we know our God hears and…

  • Telling the Next Generation

    Telling the Next Generation

    “We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders that he has done.” (Psalm 78:4b) Timothy’s grandma took the psalmist’s words to heart. She knew how important they were. Ever since he was a small child—no more than an infant—she took it upon herself to tell Timothy…

  • Labor Day Devotion

    Labor Day Devotion

    Are you driven? Do you relentlessly pursue accomplishment so that people will respect you? Do you seek to be helpful so that people will appreciate you? Is there a void in your heart that you are trying to fill with people’s acceptance? Might that be a reflection of a bigger emptiness? Jesus invites us, “Come…

  • Who Is Jesus?

    Who Is Jesus?

    “But what about you? Who do you say I am?” Jesus’ question to his disciples in Matthew chapter 16 comes on the heels of asking them who people thought he was. Some said John the Baptist. Others said Elijah. Still others said Jeremiah or one of the prophets. So many people—people who thought Jesus was…

  • Words of a Poet

    Words of a Poet

    Today is National Poets Day! The renowned poet laureate Robert Frost was quoted to have said, “Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” How true that statement is. There is music found in the words of a well-crafted poem—music that is heard even if there is no…

  • Easter Greeting and Devotion From NPH

    Praise be to our victorious Lord and King! On this joyous day of celebration, we share with you a special Easter message from NPH Vice President of Publishing Rev. Chris Cordes and an Easter devotion written by Richard Lauersdorf.  Please take a moment to click the video image above and meditate on the message below. A Question…

  • Good Friday Devotion: Loving Hands Crucified for Me

    “They crucified him” (Mark 15:24). Every tool has its purpose. I cut with a knife, eat with a fork, and write with a pen. And a nail? A nail is used to fasten. Though the crucifixion accounts don’t mention nails by name, Thomas would tell us they were there. He saw their imprint on his…

  • Hosanna to our Savior: A Palm Sunday Devotion

    “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” (Matthew 21:9). Don’t you wonder what Jesus’ thoughts were as he rode in that Palm Sunday parade? He had no false dreams about where that ride was taking him. All the palm waving and hosanna…