Tag: learning

  • Using Tech to Create Connections—Connecting Teacher and Student

    We’ve all seen people type things at a keyboard that they would never say in person. We’ve all seen parents ignore their children or spouses ignore each other because their screens commanded their attention instead. We’ve all seen the criticism of remote learning and its difficulty in replicating the personal interaction that the face-to-face classroom…

  • The Four Tools: Research

    If you want the highest activity by each learner, what is your go-to tool? It’s research. Research is the fourth, and final, tool in our educator’s toolbox. Past articles have dealt with Lecture, Question/Answer (Questions, Open Questions, and Bad Answers), and Group Work.) What do we mean by research? When we hear the word “research,”…

  • The Four Tools: Group Work

    In past articles we’ve dealt with the first two tools in the adult educators’ toolbox: Lecture and Question/Answer (Questions, Open Questions, and Bad Answers). Today we’ll consider tool #3, Group Work. Why use group work? Let’s imagine that there is a woman who is pregnant for the first time, and she’s wondering what childbirth itself…