Tag: Martin Luther

  • Baptized in Christ

    Baptized in Christ

    “I know full well that I cannot do a single thing that is pure. But I am baptized, and through my baptism God, who cannot lie, has bound himself in a covenant with me. He will not count my sin against me, but will slay it and blot it out.”[1] What would it be like…

  • Knowing Christ—Unstoppable

    Knowing Christ—Unstoppable

    “I am obligated both to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish. That is why I am so eager to preach the gospel also to you who are in Rome.” (Romans 1:14,15) If there were one word to use in describing Paul after his conversion, it would be unstoppable. From that Damascus…

  • What Might Luther Have Read?

    What Might Luther Have Read?

    The sheer volume of Martin Luther’s writings is astounding. According to Britannica, he wrote a third of the books published in the German language during the first half of the 1500s.[1] The first 55 volumes of his written works in the English translation altogether are over 22,000 pages long—and that’s not even everything he wrote!…

  • The Pastor

    The Pastor

    [From Our Worth to Him: Devotions for Christian Worship by Mark Paustian. All rights reserved.] “Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.” – Acts 20:28 Martin Luther commented that people would surely “run their feet bloody” if they thought there was a place where they might go and…