“We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders that he has done.” (Psalm 78:4b)
Timothy’s grandma took the psalmist’s words to heart. She knew how important they were.
Ever since he was a small child—no more than an infant—she took it upon herself to tell Timothy everything God did for him and everything he was continuing to do for him.
Can you see her cradling her grandson in her arms, whispering words of salvation while rocking him to sleep? Can you see her teaching him about creation, the fall into sin, and God’s promise to send a Savior?
Can you see her leading him through the pages of God’s Word, walking alongside him with the patriarchs, and wandering with the children of Israel—first in the desert wilderness and later in exile? Can you see her sitting with him at the feet of the prophets, listening to cries for repentance and promises of forgiveness and deliverance from the Lord?
Can you see her telling him to hold onto the Holy Scriptures and never let go because they contained everything God needed him to know? Can you see her telling him that even if everything else in his life was falling apart, his relationship with his God was the only thing that truly mattered?
Can you see her?
Timothy’s grandma knew how important it was to share her faith with her grandson. We see her sincere faith in the apostle Paul’s second letter to Timothy:
“I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice, and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.” (2 Timothy 1:5)
The impact that Lois had on her grandson was eternally life-changing for him. Paraphrasing what Paul wrote elsewhere, Lois and Eunice planted the seed of faith and watered it, but ultimately, it was the Holy Spirit who made it grow in Timothy’s heart.
Because Lois lived out her faith and shared it with Timothy, he learned how much God loved him. He was then able to tell other people about God’s love for them as well.
Today is Grandparents Day.
Dear grandparents—you make a difference in your grandchildren’s lives. You love them dearly. You want them to know how much their Savior loves them too.
Even if your grandchildren don’t always listen, keep loving them. Keep praying for them. Keep sharing God’s Word. Keep living your faith and showing them their Savior.
Today we thank God for you—and we pray for you.
Lord, thank you for the grandparents in our lives. Give them many opportunities to tell their grandchildren about your praiseworthy deeds. Bless their efforts. Create faith in the hearts they touch and allow it to grow. Amen.
Sharing the awesome truths about God and his love with a younger and much different generation can be challenging. Ten Things to Tell Your Grandkids gives you encouraging, spiritual, and grandparent-tested advice for having meaningful conversations about faith with your grandchildren.

Alex Brown is the marketing and content copywriter at Northwestern Publishing House. He has his Master of Divinity degree from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary and enjoys reading, writing, and spending time in God’s creation.