The Story of God’s Love

Today is Book Lovers Day!

There’s nothing quite like the excitement of opening a book and seeing where the words on the page take us. The story grabs hold of us—and we’re not sure where it will lead, but we must follow to its end.

Celebrating Book Lovers Day, I can’t help but think about the connection between stories and God.

Stories are important to us—to people—because they’re important to our Creator. And there is one story that is all-important. A story that God wants us—needs us­—to know above all else. It’s the only one that really matters. It’s the story of God’s love.

We know it as the Bible.

As I was thinking about what to write for this blog post, an excerpt from The Story of God’s Love: A Summary of the Holy Bible caught my attention:

“Although there are many stories of sin and sorrow and death in the Bible, the focus is always on God’s love—love which would not give up on the people he created, no matter how often they turned away from him. The story of God’s love is truly the greatest story ever told.”

This can be said of you as well, dear Christian.

Without knowing you personally—what you’ve experienced or are currently experiencing in your life—I know you’ve struggled with sin and its terrible effects. I know you’ve experienced sorrow and dealt with the heartbreaking, soul-wrenching emotions brought about by the death of a loved one. I know life can be burdensome and exhausting.

But God wants you—needs you—to know: You are not alone. God loves you. He forgives you. You are his dearly loved child—bought with the precious price of his Son’s blood outpoured on Calvary. His love will not give up on you because he created you. He formed you. He summoned you by name. He said of you, “You are mine.”

As you walk through the valley of the shadow of death that is life here on earth, God needs you to know you’re not walking alone. He goes with you—every step of the way. He’s by your side.

So are your brothers and sisters in Christ, because we’re a family.

God encourages us to support and build each other up. As Christians, our goal in life is to get home to heaven—together. We know that’s where we’re going because God promises us that in his Word. And our God keeps all of his promises. He wants us to share the story of his love with everyone we can because he loves them—and so do we.

Our God has given us the greatest story in the world—and we can’t keep it to ourselves. We can’t help but share the uncontainable joy he gives us.

Today is Book Lovers Day.

On this day, I thank God for stories. Most important, I thank God for the story—the story of God’s love.

In addition to The Story of God’s Love: A Summary of the Holy Bible, check out Christ-centered, faith-building resources from Northwestern Publishing House to assist you as you walk through life with your Savior at your side.

Alex Brown is the marketing and content copywriter at Northwestern Publishing House. He has his Master of Divinity degree from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary and enjoys reading, writing, and spending time in God’s creation.