Their backs were up against a wall, and there seemed to be no way out. Behind them was a sea they couldn’t hope to cross, and in front of them was a vast army they couldn’t hope to face.
Strategically speaking, it was a nightmare.
Is it any wonder that the people of Israel cried out in fear and distress? As far as they could tell, they were trapped between the Red Sea and the Egyptian army. The only possible fate that awaited them was death.
But you and I know that isn’t what happened.
Even before God parted the Red Sea and led his people through the waters on dry ground, we hear the comforting answer he gives to his people through his servant Moses: “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still” (Exodus 14:13-14).
I love Exodus 14:14 in particular. Years ago, I even chose it for my confirmation verse. Truth be told (and to my embarrassment), I selected that verse because my church had used a cool bulletin cover that referenced it. I can’t remember which worship service it was for, but it was an image that depicted Jesus as a warrior in battle—pretty neat for a 13-year-old!
Years later, I’ve grown to love and appreciate Exodus 14:14, not because of a cool bulletin cover but because Moses’ encouragement to the people of Israel is an encouragement I need to hear daily. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.
Isn’t that the beautiful, underlying message woven throughout the pages of Scripture?
You and I were sinful from birth—sinful from the very moment our mothers conceived us, as the psalmist wrote. There was nothing you or I could do to get out of that. We certainly couldn’t hope to fight—much less win—the battle against sin, death, and the devil. Our backs were up against the wall with no way out.
And then our Savior stepped in. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. Jesus lived a perfect life in our place because he knew we could not. Jesus died the death we deserve for our sins because he knew that was the only way for us to be with him forever. Jesus rose from the dead because that was how he would show he had utterly crushed all of our enemies. Heaven’s gates are opened wide, and our Father waits to welcome us home.
What did you or I do? Absolutely nothing. There was nothing we could do—and by God’s grace, there’s nothing we need to do! Jesus has done everything for us. He fought for us and has won salvation. His victory is our victory. He has delivered us from all our foes. Our sins have been washed away in Jesus’ blood. He has removed them from us as far as the east is from the west. And now he gives salvation to us freely out of his love.
So, dear Christian, when life overwhelms you, when fears and doubts creep into your heart, and when the devil whispers his damning accusations, draw your comfort and strength from the promises God makes you in his Word because of his Son, Jesus. Fix your eyes on him. See the deliverance he brings you.
The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.
And he has, dear Christian. He has done all things for you.
Written from a caring, pastoral perspective, From Egypt to Sinai: A Devotional Commentary on Exodus explores the relationship between the amazing events recorded in Exodus and the Christian’s daily struggle to trust in God alone. This book will help you navigate the wilderness of the world with biblical wisdom and trust in God’s promises.

Alex Brown is the marketing and content copywriter at Northwestern Publishing House. He has his Master of Divinity degree from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary and enjoys reading, writing, and spending time in God’s creation.