364 Days of Devotion

[This blog post is derived from an email correspondence between the writer of this post and Pastor Frederic Berger of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Plymouth, Nebraska.]

“What if everyone in our church family could be thinking about Jesus every single day? How awesome would that be!”

That “what if” burned in the hearts of the leaders at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Plymouth, Nebraska. They had worship services, Bible classes, and discipleship programs, but they wondered if they could be doing more to encourage their members to gather around the Word and sacraments.

The writer to the Hebrews said it best: “[Don’t give] up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but [encourage] one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:25).

After listening to a presentation by the director of WELS Discipleship, Pastor Donn Dobberstein, the leaders at St. Paul’s discovered how important it is to have high expectations for one another as Christians when it comes to corporate Bible study. Set the bar high, push one another to meet that lofty goal, and pray boldly that the Lord blesses our efforts.

What a beautiful blessing from God that we can gather together to study and worship in his name!

Why? If we’re not growing together—if we’re not meeting regularly and encouraging one another—we’re missing out on something vital to our spiritual welfare. We’re actually hurting ourselves and our fellow believers by not growing together in God’s Word. We need one another. In fact, we need encouragement from others all the more because Jesus has told us in his Word, “I am coming soon!” to which we respond, “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus” (Revelation 22:20).

The members of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church were invigorated to encourage one another—and God blessed their efforts. Their Sunday morning Bible class attendance rose. Even as they rejoiced, they knew there was still more work to do in encouraging their members to gather around the Word.

That led St. Paul’s leaders to the thought that even if someone came for worship and faithfully attended Bible class and that was the only time he or she came into contact with God’s Word each week, this person could be spiritually starving him- or herself.

Busy schedules, workloads, uncertainty about where to start or what do to—these are all potential obstacles to our time spent in God’s Word every day. Not to mention the devil’s temptations and our sinful natures.

Realizing the challenges that their members faced, the leaders at St. Paul’s wanted to do everything they could for their church family so that the Spirit would work in their hearts every day. They knew in the same way that a personal trainer doesn’t just tell clients, “Go work out” (at least, not a very good one), they couldn’t just tell their members, “Go read God’s Word.” They would need to give their congregation members a little more direction and accountability to one another.

With that in mind, the leaders decided their high expectations for one another—and their bold prayer to God—would be to get a copy of Pastor Andrew Schroer’s book, 364 Days of Devotion, in the hands of each of their members so they could read through it together—as a church family—in 2024.

Talk about a lofty goal!

Initially, some members mentioned that their families only needed one book to share. Gently, but firmly, the leaders at St. Paul’s pushed back. They wanted their people to put the devotional in the best spot possible for each person, whether that was a nightstand, a car, a locker, or at work. They figured that if everyone in the family had a copy, that was the best chance for everyone to read it.

The members of St. Paul’s leadership team chose 364 Days of Devotion because they found it speaks to a multi-generational audience. Each easy-to-read devotion begins with a portion of Scripture, has applications, contains a daily reflection, and closes with prayer. In short, the leaders of St. Paul’s thought it would have topics to get their church family talking about God’s Word in their homes and community throughout the week.

As 2024 draws closer, the people of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church are excited to see the work that the Holy Spirit will do through this church-wide daily Bible study.

And so are all of us who serve you and our Savior at Northwestern Publishing House.

Speaking frankly, what the people of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church are hoping to do for their members is exactly why we exist as WELS’ publishing house. Our mission is to provide you—our brother or sister in Christ—with biblically sound, Christ-centered resources to help you find peace in an uncertain world, peace that only our Savior, Jesus can give. Like St. Paul’s, we want to help you stay connected to that peace and Jesus’ promises every day!

Wherever you are, whatever your plans are for the upcoming year, keep meeting with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Keep encouraging one another to grow in the Word. Hold one another accountable. Pray boldly and confidently, knowing that the Lord works in all things for the good of those who love him. Keep shining as lights in this dark world. And know that your Savior walks with you every step of the way.

Alex Brown is the marketing and content copywriter at Northwestern Publishing House. He has his Master of Divinity degree from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary and enjoys reading, writing, and spending time in God’s creation.