A Commentary on 1 & 2 Thessalonians: A Letter From the Editor

Dear brothers in the ministry,

More than a few pastors over the years have made this comment to me when they read one of our NPH professional books authored by one of their seminary professors: “Reading his book brings me back to his classroom. It’s almost like sitting there and hearing his voice.”

For me, this is especially true of the Bible commentaries. Who of us privileged to sit at the feet of Becker, Jeske, or Lawrenz can read Revelation: The Distant Triumph Song or A Commentary on Genesis 1–11 and fail to hear their voices speak from their words on the printed page?

The same is true for Professor David Kuske’s commentaries on Romans 1-8, Romans 9-16, 1 & 2 Peter and Jude, and now A Commentary on 1 & 2 Thessalonians.

Professor Kuske taught New Testament courses at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary (WLS) for 30 years and continued teaching on a part-time basis for some time into his retirement.

For the many WELS pastors who had him as a teacher, it is easy to recognize Kuske’s “voice” in his commentaries as he pays careful, meticulous attention to every detail of every word of the Greek text. He carefully draws out the meaning of the sacred text—its vocabulary, grammar, syntax, and context—and offers always appropriate, relevant applications for God’s people today.

For all of you who recognize Professor Kuske’s exegetical voice either from the classroom or from his previously published commentaries, you can hear it again, just as clearly and distinctly, in his A Commentary on 1 & 2 Thessalonians.

At just over 300 pages long, I think you will find this, like Kuske’s other commentaries, to be not too brief and not overly long but “just right” to aid the busy parish pastor in his preparations for sermons and Bible classes on Paul’s two letters to the Thessalonians.

As much as we pastors treasure what the living voices of our professors taught us from God’s Word while we were at seminary, we can also continue to treasure their “voices” when they have recorded their thoughts in print, easily and readily accessible for us today and for generations to come. David Kuske’s A Commentary on 1 & 2 Thessalonians can now be added to that list of treasured and enduring voices.

Visit www.nph.net to order A Commentary on 1 & 2 Thessalonians and to view a sample of the text.

With you in Christ,

Curtis Jahn
Vice President of Publishing Services
Professional Books Editor
Northwestern Publishing House



