Category: Christian Faith & Life

  • An Excerpt from NPH’s New Gospel Harmony

    The Sermon on the Mount is one of the most memorable gatherings recorded in God’s Word. Just as the people surrounded Jesus to hear him preach, you too can gather with others around your Savior and hear his teachings this fall. The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ is a new title from Northwestern Publishing…

  • Multi-language Product Giveaway a Success

    On Saturday, July 14, NPH Christian Books & Gifts Store, Milwaukee, Wis., hosted a giveaway of free multi-language product including Bible studies, evangelism booklets, doctrinal materials, and more. More than 800 titles in 52 languages were made available. Individuals and church representatives from WELS and other Christian organizations took advantage of the giveaway. Visitors mentioned…

  • Reflections of a Mother

    Reflections of a Mother

    In this Forward in Christ feature article (Volume 104, Number 5, May 2017), Beverly Fulmer recalls God’s love, protection, and guidance as she raised her son, Brian, who was diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Today is another Mother’s Day. I am looking forward to seeing the card Brian has picked out for me this year. He picks…

  • What Prayer Means to You: A Letter From the Editor

    Fellow prayer-teachers, I can’t remember ever giving much thought to how many different ways the apostle Paul said that the results of his ministry depended on prayer. Of course the gospel is “the power of God that brings salvation” (Romans 1:16). Faith comes not from prayer but from “hearing the message” (Romans 10:17). (And of…

  • Jesus and His Doubting Disciples

    In these weeks after Easter Sunday, read about the risen Jesus’ visits with his troubled followers. Their conversations about sight and belief remain relevant to our faith today. This narrative version of the gospel account is taken from the popular book When Christ Walked Among Us: The Messiah’s Life and Ministry. Jesus Appears to Ten Disciples…

  • On the Way to Jerusalem

    As Holy Week approaches, read about one extraordinary miracle Christ performed in the days before his last trip into Jerusalem. This narrative version is taken from the popular book When Christ Walked Among Us: The Messiah’s Life and Ministry. When Jesus’ travels in Perea had come to an end, it was time for him to head…

  • New and Eye-Opening Devotionals:
    A Letter From the Editor

    Dear Fellow Students of the Word, In my letters and blog posts to pastors, I usually write about a recently published book that is geared particularly toward pastors. This time I’ve chosen to write about a devotional book (actually a two-part set) that is intended for any mature Christian reader. At the same time, I…

  • Pray for the Scattered and Afflicted:
    A Letter From the Editor

    Fellow Intercessors, Consider this three-part prayer Philip Melanchthon prayed with his colleagues: “We shall commend our cause, therefore, to Christ, who some time will judge these controversies, and we beseech Him to look upon the afflicted and scattered churches, and to bring them back to godly and perpetual concord.” (Apology of the Augsburg Confession, Preface,…