He Catches Me

“Caution: Slippery Conditions!” It’s a warning that many of us in wintry parts of the world see around Christmastime. While messages like these speak of the physical dangers of the season, Christians face spiritual dangers as well. Busy schedules, excessive wanting, and pressures to please others combine to make a perfect storm that can whisk us away from the true meaning of Christmas. We must be careful that we do not slip! Thankfully, we have a Heavenly Father who constantly holds us and uplifts us, especially as the world surrounds us and overwhelms us with its many hazards. To help you remember that God supports you this Christmas and always, enjoy this special seasonal devotion and prayer from Meditations: Daily Devotional.

He Catches Me

Unless the Lord had given me help, I would soon have dwelt in the silence of death. When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy. (Psalm 94:17-19)

One of the more disturbing problems for a believer is the apparent “success” of Satan and evil in the world. So much hatred, starvation, and animosity toward Christians; so many young people abandoning the faith; unstoppable cancer; suffering everywhere. Even though Jesus has promised us that Satan is on a leash, it sometimes seems as if the other side is winning.

As the psalmist focused on his troubles and the oppressive people around him, his faith began to slip. It felt like he was sliding toward the edge of a cliff. At one time or another, most of us have had that same feeling. We’ve wondered what God is doing while we hurt. Or if he were even there. Maybe our anger simmered because we felt he was not delivering us from the evil at our door.

An amazing thing happened to the psalmist. His slide into that deep, black hole was stopped. God’s promises of unfailing love broke through the fog of failing faith and depression, and the psalm writer’s trust was refreshed! He was reminded of how good and merciful our Lord truly is because of the promised Savior.

God saw to it that his Word was written down so that we would never go a moment without its refreshing, life-giving power. We have an even greater advantage than the psalmist because we have the rest of the story. We know God has our back because on Good Friday he turned his back on his Son so that this perfect human would complete the payment made for our sin: HIS LIFE for our lives. The deep and everlasting love of God’s Son for us was all wrapped up in that sacrifice. His resurrection proved that the human race has been redeemed!

It also proved that the true God and true man Jesus absolutely understands what it means to feel alone—he’s been there! Our transcendent Jesus promises every believer, “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). When trouble or challenges stare us in the face, when worry threatens to swallow us, know this: He is with us.

He gives us these words to treasure, to read often, to memorize, and to share with others whose feet might also be slipping. We’re not alone!

Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for all the times you have delivered me when I was slipping. Help me to catch others before they fall. Amen.

Meditations 61.04From Meditations: Daily Devotional, Vol. 61, No. 4, Edited by Ray Schumacher ©2018 Northwestern Publishing House. All rights reserved.

Main article image credit: Thomas “McRonny” H. (used under Creative Commons CC0)




