Jesus Loves You

Why do you do what you do as a Christian? Why do you love and show kindness to others? The reason you love isn’t only because you love Jesus, but because he loves you.

We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19

Can you pour water from an empty pitcher? No! First you have to fill up the pitcher so that you can fill up the glasses on the table. The same is true about your heart when it comes to loving God and others. The love that you have for others isn’t perfect. Do you ever feel that you don’t love someone, or that you don’t have to love them because they were unkind to you? Go to Jesus’ cross when you feel loveless and think about the love Christ has for you. Jesus’ love is so great that he gave his life for you. Jesus loved you even though you weren’t at the foot of the cross begging him to die for you. His loves spills into you and fills you up through the good news that you are forgiven for every mean act, every loveless word, and every time you didn’t show love. Why do you do what you do? You live and love because Jesus loved you first!

Excerpt from 5-Minute Bible Studies: For Families



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