Letter From the Editor: A New Blog Series and Bible Study for a Growing Problem

Dear Brothers in Ministry,

You’ve heard the argument: “But Pastor, God wants me to be happy.”

You’ve sensed the hint of pride as someone proclaims, “You know, God helps those who help themselves.” 

Worldwide, only 6 percent of professing Christians hold to foundational biblical beliefs. But even among those, you will hear professions of unbiblical beliefs—like the two statements mentioned above. You have probably heard some of them expressed within the walls of your own church. While you understand the dangerous implications of these unbiblical beliefs for the faith and souls of your brothers and sisters in Christ, they may not.

I want to introduce you to a new blog series hosted by Northwestern Publishing House, which addresses these kinds of false beliefs.

This blog series is aimed at alerting our brothers and sisters to these popular but deceptive beliefs. The blog series is based on the Bible study 10 Lies About God, written by Martin Luther College professor Rev. David Scharf. In the study, Scharf addresses ten notions about God that are so widespread and popular they almost have become clichés, yet they are false. Pastor Scharf demonstrates how these inaccurate beliefs can distort and even destroy our relationship with God. He clarifies what the Bible says about these beliefs and equips class participants to recognize the errors and respond with the truth.

Each blog post will focus on one of these lies, exploring versions of the lie that we may encounter in our daily lives, refuting the lie with God’s Word, and pointing to resources for further reading.

One result of living in the age of technology where everyone and anyone can post information and claim expertise is that we are bombarded with confusing and conflicting messages. When those messages have spiritual implications, discernment is key. We pray that these blog posts will help God’s people grow in their ability to discern what is chaff and what is truth in the messages they hear and read.

Share the following link with your brothers and sisters in Christ and encourage them to follow the blog series: blog.nph.net/category/christian-faith-life/10-lies-about-god/.

Consider also diving deeper by incorporating 10 Lies About God in your summer or fall Bible study schedule.

May God bless your ministry as you shepherd God’s people with the truth!

Ray Schumacher




