Letter From the Editor – New Releases for Your Ministry Toolkit

Dear brothers in the ministry, 

In my letter to you this spring, I’d like to call to your attention several new ministry tools. Some you may find helpful to use in your ministry, others you may find well-suited to recommend to the people you serve, depending on their individual situations and spiritual needs. Remember that as a called worker you receive a 20% discount on most books published by NPH when you purchase them for personal use. 

Simply Lutheran: A Practical Guide to Lutheran Teachings, authored by layperson Arthur Eggert, seeks to broaden the knowledge of adult confirmed members with chapters on Old and New Testament survey, Christian doctrine, Christian living, Lutheran worship, and various common church practices. The book provides a helpful overview of essential Lutheran teachings in a conversational tone, making it an ideal gift for adult confirmands. $20.99 $16.79 with professional discount

Your Life Has Meaning: Discovering Your Role in an Epic Story, by Luke Thompson, offers a winsome invitation that presents God’s grand gospel vision through Christ to people in a postmodern culture where there is supposedly no lasting meaning to life or absolute values. Use this book to aid you in understanding the people you serve. $17.99 $14.39 with professional discount

Christian Service Members’ Handbook, prepared by WELS Special Ministries in partnership with NPH, contains Scripture readings, Luther’s Small Catechism, orders for Morning and Evening Prayer, and many prayers written specifically for military service members. Pastors serving military service members and veterans will want to point them toward this devotional resource. This book is available for preorder; the estimated ship date is June 15. $6.99 $5.59 with professional discount

NPH’s ten-volume Luther Collection is now available for Logos Bible Software. This digital set explores Luther’s life and impact on the church through a variety of theological titles, including Reformation 500 and two translations of the 2017 edition of Luther’s Small Catechism. Copies of the printed books in this set are also available at nph.net.

And finally, a new prepub offer is available for Logos for a set of NPH professional Bible commentaries

  • Psalms 1-72 (Brug)
  • Psalms 73-150 (Brug)
  • Ephesians (Habeck)
  • 1 & 2 Thessalonians (Kuske)
  • 2nd Timothy: Be Strong (Habeck)
  • Revelation: The Distant Triumph Song (Becker)

May the Lord continue to give you joy as you serve him and his people in his kingdom. 

In Christ,

Curtis Jahn

Vice President of Publishing Services

Professional Books Editor 




