Helping Christians find peace in an uncertain world.
Five Things With a Seminary Education Professor
This month we begin a new series of articles entitled “Five Things.” Each month, we’ll interview a practitioner of Christian Adult Education to learn about their educational philosophy, books they’ve read, advice they’d give to other educators, and their perspectives on teaching the Word. This month features Professor Tom Kock, who teaches Education at Wisconsin…
A New Me
Let’s step back from our private battlefields for a moment to try to understand why we are not more eager to snuff out conflicts while they are still in the formative stage. The voice of our instructor is that of the apostle James, the author of a New Testament letter meant for all Christians, past…
A Unique Commentary You May Have Missed
Dear undershepherds of the risen Lord Jesus, Last summer, in the middle of the pandemic, when pastors’ attention was largely consumed with adjusting to alternative ways of conducting gospel ministry under government-mandated restrictions, Northwestern Publishing House released a new professional book for pastors. The book is a commentary on the book of Isaiah—The Scroll of…
The More Excellent Way
Instinct tells us there are two ways to put a quick end to these nightmares: (1) stand and fight or (2) run the other way. It’s been dubbed the fight-or-flight response. But when the fight-or-flight option is seen as the only recourse, we’re caught in a classic catch-22. The fight response only increases hostility and…
Start Introducing New Hymns Now
You don’t have to wait for the new hymnal to be in the pews to start introducing its rich contents to your congregation! As you plan worship for the rest of 2021, check out these choral anthems and vocal solos featuring hymns in the new Christian Worship. Each title is followed by the section in…
First Things First
Though our behaviors do not always show it, we were originally hardwired with an innate appreciation for getting along. We shouldn’t be surprised, then, if at some level, all human beings desire peace. But the peace you and I know is only a faint glimmer of the peace Adam and Eve once enjoyed. Their peace…
10 Lies About God (10) A Day in the Life of a Pastor (5) Adult Learning (107) Back to School (15) Bible Discovery (11) Book Recommendations (5) Christian Faith & Life (183) Conflict (39) Devotions (126) Everything Parenting (88) Faith Questions (44) Father's Day (9) Free to Live Series (6) Grief (10) Martin Luther and the Reformation (43) Meditations on the Lord's Prayer (10) Mother's Day (4) Music (15) Parents Crosslink (44) Pastors' Top NPH Picks (13) People's Bible (9) Podcast (5) Songs of Deliverance (4) Songs of Thanksgiving (5) Sunday School (4) Teach the Word (90) The Story of God's Love Reading Challenge (1) uncategorized (15)
The mission of Northwestern Publishing House is to deliver biblically sound, Christ-centered resources within the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod and beyond. As the publisher for and subsidiary of the WELS, NPH has been a 501(c)(3) organization since 1966. This means that NPH is recognized as a non-profit and tax-exempt organization by the Internal Revenue Service.
We have fulfilled our mission for over 130 years. While publishing is much different today than when we first began, our ministry of serving others with the good news of salvation remains. God has blessed NPH with dedicated and gifted servants who daily carry out his work. We are deeply thankful for the people who have been instrumental in our ministry in years past and who play a role today.
To God be the glory!