Resources for Pastors, Part 5

Read about pastors’ favorite NPH books to use in their ministries on a regular basis. Then, be sure to check out the ones they recommend for your own spiritual growth! To learn more about each resource, click the link after the pastor’s name.

Thoughts on Favorite Ministry Resources

I use this resource every day for my devotional life. It’s so simple, and yet each passage and quote gives me much to ponder and meditate on as I start my day. I can’t imagine starting a day without my few moments at the feet of my Lord, and this book allows me to do that, even if it is just for five minutes. – Jacob Hanneman (Shepherd of the Plains, Fort Morgan, CO) on Treasures Old and New

When we were thrown into the pandemic, parish ministry was turned upside down. Many projects, programs, and even worship were brought to a halt or drastically changed in some way. As a pastor I rolled with the punches, but that does not mean it was easy to deal with. This book reminded me of the privilege of sharing that life-giving gospel no matter what the challenge or circumstance. – Aaron Duve (Holy Redeemer, Port Huron, MI) on Motivation for Ministry: Perspectives for Every Pastor

Pastor Appreciation Month is a time to thank called workers for faithfully preaching and teaching God’s Word to us. Not sure how to thank your pastor this year? Let him choose a gift with an NPH e-gift card!



