Three Prayers for the United States

For those celebrating the Fourth of July this week, give thanks to God with these three prayers. As you remember the blessings that your heavenly Father has showered across the United States, pray to him for continued freedom, safety, and understanding.


For the Gospel’s Continued Free Course

Dear Father, by your grace you have provided for the free course of your life-giving message in our lives. You have richly blessed our country throughout its history with preachers of your Word. You have given us a society free of restrictions against their preaching. Our presses have published your Word, and it has been freely and openly distributed among our citizens. We recognize the free flow of your Word as a precious gift. We pray from hearts forever changed by the power of your saving Word that you will continue to protect the freedoms of Christian printers, preachers, and other sharers of your Word. Make each one of us a personal part of that flow as we make abundant use of these freedoms. Amen.


For the Safety of Our Armed Forces

Heavenly Father, praise and thanks to you for defending and protecting us by the sword you have entrusted to our government. Be with all those who serve in our armed forces. Prepare them well for the work they must do. Give them courage, strength, and endurance. As they travel by land, sea, or air, keep them safe. If they must serve far from their homes and their loved ones, cheer them with the assurance of your presence. If they must go into battle, spare their lives and preserve them from harm. Grant that our armed forces are given the personnel, the weapons, the equipment, and the supplies they need to do their work safely and effectively. And help us all find ways to show our support for them. Hear us for the sake of your Son, our Savior. Amen.


For Understanding Church and State

Lord Jesus, you have ascended to your Father’s right hand. That tells me you prevail over every influence, mood, trend, rank, weapon, force, treaty, conspiracy, and achievement in the physical and spiritual worlds. By your Spirit comfort me with this good news. Enlighten me so that I can also distinguish better between the purposes of my government and my church. When I am disappointed over what happens politically, help me not to despair. Remind me that it is not the job of government to make Christians or to preach the gospel. Only your church has been assigned that task. Use our government to create an environment that will help your church prosper in its work—whether by strife or by peace. Hear me, Good Shepherd, for your own sake. Amen.

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