What Does Lent Mean to Everyone?

When the secular world hears the word “Lent,” what do you think they picture? Do they see a forehead marked with ashes? Do they think of 40 whole days of meatless meals? Do they imagine all of the bad habits that are abandoned during this season? In most cases, yes, the image of one or more of these things will spring into their mind.

These traditions are what many Christians do to focus their minds on the message of Jesus’ suffering and death during Lent. In that way, they are valuable practices for countless people. Unfortunately, too many outsiders to the faith won’t dive deeply into this meaning. They misunderstand Lent only as a time when people make sacrifices for God, when it is truly a time about the ultimate sacrifice that God made for all people.

So, whether you partake of these practices or not, don’t let the questions you receive and conversations you have stop at that topic. Share with the world the deeper truth of Lent: Christians act with focus and frugality during this season out of recognition and respect for the final price that Jesus Christ paid on the cross for the sins of the world.

Below is an infographic to help you talk with others about the different aspects of Lent while also sharing the Gospel truth with them every step of the way. Feel free to share it with fellow church members, family, and friends this Lenten season. Click here to learn more and download the graphic.




