Category: Back to School
Martin Luther on Education
All quotes are adapted from “A Sermon on Keeping Children in School” by Martin Luther God has not given you your children and the means to support them simply so that you may do with them as you please, or train them just to get ahead in the world. You have been earnestly commanded to…
Give Your Child an Advantage
by Katie Martin Having an advantage can make all the difference in life. Just ask the job applicant who knows someone on the inside or the athletic team playing on its home field. We parents also understand the importance of having an advantage. From providing our children with a wide variety of extracurricular activities to…
God’s “Stuff” Plus 16 Great Family Science Adventures
God’s “Stuff” by Roger Festerling Dad, why do my goldfish die all the time? Hey, Mom, look at these pretty flowers growing by the back door. What kind are they? Did you guys ever wonder how dogs became tame? Questions, questions, and still more questions. Sometimes parents view all this curiosity as bothersome. The truth…
Degrees of Challenge: A Preparation Guide for Adults Attending a Secular College, Part 2
by Angie Molkentin On the secular campus the faith of young Christians is constantly challenged by human philosophies that run contrary to God’s truth. Is your college-bound teen ready to face these challenges? Christian students react differently to faith challenges. Some use confrontation as an opportunity to witness of Christ. Other ignore the challenge or…
Degrees of Challenge: A Preparation Guide for Adults Attending a Secular College, Part 1
by Angie Molkentin Mary’s roommates stared at her in amazement as they scarfed down pizza. She had just confided that she was still a virgin. Jill slowly slipped away from her habit of attending church. No one in the dorm ever moved before noon on Sunday. Jim enjoyed the college party scene. Alcohol relaxed him,…
Tired Teens: Sleep Deprivation and What Parents Can Do To Help
by Melissa Berg “I just can’t get Sara out of bed in the morning. This morning the snooze went off four times. She’s been late to school twice this week.” “I’m tired and in bed by eleven, and I try to make sure Ashley is in bed by then too, but all her friends are…
Homework: Too Much? Too Little?
by Jackie Bauer Have you ever heard parents say something like this? “Jenny has at least two hours of homework every night. She has no time to play.” Or, “I’m concerned because Mark doesn’t bring home much homework.” Or, “Anna’s assignments are so erratic, one night she has two hours, the next two weeks she…
The Effective Complaint
by Jackie Bauer Complain! Complain! Complain! It’s a habit we can all get into if we’re not careful. As parents we can easily fall into that trap ourselves if we forget the most important element in a parent-teacher relationship, namely, communication. The key to effectively issuing a complaint is to have established a line of…