Helping Christians find peace in an uncertain world.
The Initial Appearance, Part Two
Luther’s conduct on April 17 seemed strange, both to those who attended the diet and to those who reflect on it five hundred years later. Why didn’t Luther give an immediate answer to the question about his willingness to recant his writings? After all, Luther had to have expected the question was coming. At the…
The Initial Appearance, Part One
The next morning Luther received word that he was to appear at 4:00pm for a special hearing at the bishop’s residence, where the emperor was staying.[1] Though not an official meeting, it remained a setting with which the monk from Wittenberg was not at all familiar. No one could have blamed him for being nervous…
A Day in the Life of a Pastor – Douglas Tomhave
“It’s got to be nice to be a pastor since you only have to work few hours a week on Sunday…” so the old joke goes. There is truth in it. Pastors have their biggest hours during times of worship and gathering with God’s people. But the week goes by quickly in a big church…
Luther Travels under the Lord’s Protecting Hand
That Luther decided to go to Worms gives some indication of how he read the invitation from Emperor Charles. He did not think he was being called solely to recant what he had written, but to provide “information about certain doctrines” and discuss what he taught from the Scriptures. On April 2, he left Wittenberg…
The Question Facing Luther: Should He Travel to Worms?
It’s important to note that the emperor had extended an invitation. He had not issued a command under threat of punishment. In other words, Luther did not have to appear before the gathering of the Holy Roman Empire. In fact, a good argument could have been made that Luther should decline the invitation. Those who…
A Day in the Life of a Youth Pastor – Clark Schultz
When your favorite Latin teacher from high school asks you to write an article about a day in the life of a pastor, one jumps at the chance. But when he follows up with, “This article needs to be so many words,” one begins to ponder: If I only work one day a week, how…
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