Helping Christians find peace in an uncertain world.
The Papal Bulls, Part Two
While the books were burning, Luther decided to throw into the fire the papal bull that threatened to excommunicate him. From a letter Spalatin wrote to Elector Frederick on December 3, Luther had at least a week earlier “decided to burn the bull publicly in the pulpit unless they mend their abuses.”[1] He burned the…
The Papal Bulls, Part One
Pope Leo X issued a formal decree, dated June 15, 1520, condemning the errors of Martin Luther and his followers. Popularly known as Exsurge Domine (Arise, Lord), from the Latin words with which it began, the papal bull specifically listed forty-one errors to be found in the writings of Luther and his followers. Pope Leo…
A Day in the Life of a Pastor – Jonathan Scharf
So, what does a pastor do when he’s not in the pulpit? That’s a great question because it changes so much depending on the pastor and the situation, the gifts he has and the call he’s been issued. I was called as an “outreach” pastor, so I make sure to reserve four slots of time…
Here We Stand: Imitating Luther’s Faith
The writer to the Hebrews, in the closing chapter of his book, offered his readers this encouragement: “Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith” (Heb 13:7 NIV). Most likely, he wanted his readers to call to mind those who…
Letter From the Editor – Five Ways to Support Your Sunday School With Videos
Dear Fellow Workers in God’s Kingdom, It’s no secret that providing Sunday school ministry is challenging for many of our congregations. Finding those who are gifted to teach and are willing to give their time, and convincing parents that this is a worthy priority for them to set as they raise up their children are…
Five Things With One More Veteran Pastor
FIVE individuals who were instrumental in your development as an educator and why. My dad—he was principal and taught grades 6-8 at St. Paul Lutheran School in South Haven, MI. Watching him in action and his dedication to ministry taught me a lot about what teaching was all about. Prof. Mike Hein at MLS taught…
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