Helping Christians find peace in an uncertain world.
The Seeds of Conflict
This is about the time when most of us, dear reader, get up on our high horses in protest to challenge the notion that there may be something wrong with wanting something—with dreaming big. After all, in one way or another, we each subscribe to the concept of the great American dream. Disney built an…
Trust and Mistrust
Mistrust ignites more conflict than any other cause. Even when there are other mitigating origins for a conflict, suspicion is frequently hiding in the background. At some level, all serious conflict is about the truth and how people interpret it. And as a general rule of thumb, most individuals assume their enemies are completely lacking…
The Conflict Within
A very real conflict is still going on in each one of us between our old Adam and our new man in Christ. The battle is being waged all the time. This is a good reason for being careful about picking our battles. A noble cause is certainly worth going to war over. Jesus fought…
A Look Ahead
A lot of exciting resources are on the horizon regarding music and worship from your synod’s publisher. Here’s a sneak peek . . . VARIATIONS FOR ORGAN A multi-volume set of organ variations is planned for release over the next year. Look for the first volume yet this fall. Hymns old and new are treated…
Using Tech to Create Connections, Part Three—Connecting Student and Content
Last month, we talked about using videos to deliver content—a technique that can be employed in both face-to-face and remote learning situations. We’re talking here about brief, three- to five-minute bursts of information delivered via video. When the teacher uses video to deliver content, he or she gains a number of potential benefits: Efficiency of…
Election Season Bible Studies for Christ-Centered Calm
Dear brothers in the ministry, Long before COVID-19 entered our vocabulary, we believed it was important to provide Bible studies that would help God’s people understand what it means to live as citizens of God’s two kingdoms and how they could serve God through both of them. We hoped to answer questions about how to respond to…
10 Lies About God (10) A Day in the Life of a Pastor (5) Adult Learning (107) Back to School (15) Bible Discovery (11) Book Recommendations (5) Christian Faith & Life (183) Conflict (39) Devotions (126) Everything Parenting (88) Faith Questions (44) Father's Day (9) Free to Live Series (6) Grief (10) Martin Luther and the Reformation (43) Meditations on the Lord's Prayer (10) Mother's Day (4) Music (15) Parents Crosslink (44) Pastors' Top NPH Picks (13) People's Bible (9) Podcast (5) Songs of Deliverance (4) Songs of Thanksgiving (5) Sunday School (4) Teach the Word (90) The Story of God's Love Reading Challenge (1) uncategorized (15)
The mission of Northwestern Publishing House is to deliver biblically sound, Christ-centered resources within the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod and beyond. As the publisher for and subsidiary of the WELS, NPH has been a 501(c)(3) organization since 1966. This means that NPH is recognized as a non-profit and tax-exempt organization by the Internal Revenue Service.
We have fulfilled our mission for over 130 years. While publishing is much different today than when we first began, our ministry of serving others with the good news of salvation remains. God has blessed NPH with dedicated and gifted servants who daily carry out his work. We are deeply thankful for the people who have been instrumental in our ministry in years past and who play a role today.
To God be the glory!