Category: Christian Faith & Life

  • 5-Minute Bible Studies: For Teens – Letter From the Editor

    Dear brothers in the ministry, The teenage years are challenging years for many—spiritually challenging. How often don’t pastors wistfully scan the assembled worshipers with an ache in their hearts because of the absence of many recent confirmands. How many parents don’t cautiously encourage their high school students to include time in their busy schedules for…

  • God Our Refuge: Letter From the Editor

    Dear brothers in the ministry, After spending over a quarter century serving as an editor at Northwestern Publishing House, I can safely say that there are few NPH and WELS publications—present as well as past—that I’m unfamiliar with. With this letter to you, I’m calling attention to one publication that had completely escaped my attention…

  • Having Conversations With Your Grandchildren

    On Sunday, September 8, the United States celebrates Grandparents Day. Families across the country will take time to give thanks for their grandmothers and grandfathers and the years of guidance, kindness, and love they have shared together. But why let the conversation stop there? 10 Things to Tell Your Grandkids provides field-tested Christian wisdom to…

  • Purposeful Grieving: Letter From the Editor

    Dear brothers in the ministry, As a seelsorger, each of us has opportunities to minister to those who are grieving the loss of loved ones. As time passes after a loss, we may wonder if we have followed up with these hurting souls adequately, or if they are in need of further encouragement from God’s…

  • Three Prayers for the United States

    Three Prayers for the United States

    For those celebrating the Fourth of July this week, give thanks to God with these three prayers. As you remember the blessings that your heavenly Father has showered across the United States, pray to him for continued freedom, safety, and understanding.   For the Gospel’s Continued Free Course Dear Father, by your grace you have…

  • The Debt Is Paid in Full – A Father’s Day Message

    The Debt Is Paid in Full – A Father’s Day Message

    In Under God’s Sky, author John R. Hardison shares short, personal, and inspirational anecdotes from his life, drawing on powerful scriptural truths along the way. Here, he reflects on his father’s strength and his grandfather’s kindness, and he is reminded of the love his heavenly Father shows all people through the perfect sacrifice of Christ. As…

  • March Madness

    March Madness

    March Madness is a season filled with excitement and hope for college basketball players and fans alike. Teams give it their all to earn their next win in the NCAA Division 1 Men’s Basketball Tournament. Written for Christian educators, the devotional That They May Have Life reminds you of another journey to victory that we remember during springtime:…

  • What Does Lent Mean to Everyone?

    When the secular world hears the word “Lent,” what do you think they picture? Do they see a forehead marked with ashes? Do they think of 40 whole days of meatless meals? Do they imagine all of the bad habits that are abandoned during this season? In most cases, yes, the image of one or…